Weapons of Order (Covenant ability)

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For the monk talent, see [Weapons of Order].
Weapons of Order
Ability bastion monk.png
  • Weapons of Order
  • Monk ability
  • 0 yd range
  • 5% of base mana
  • 2 min cooldown
  • Instant
  • For the next 30 sec, your Mastery is increased by

    Brewmaster Brewmaster :
    [ 10.000 * $117,906bc1 ]%. Additionally, [Keg Smash] cooldown is reset instantly and enemies hit by Keg Smash take 8% increased damage from you for 10 sec, stacking up to 4 times.

    Windwalker Windwalker :
    [ 10.0000 * $115,636bc1 ]%. Additionally, [Rising Sun Kick] reduces Chi costs by 1 for 5 sec, and [Blackout Kick] reduces the cooldown of affected abilities by an additional 1 sec.

    Mistweaver Mistweaver :
    [ 10.000 * $117,907bc1 ]%. Additionally, [Essence Font] cooldown is reset instantly and heals up to 6 nearby allies for [ 40% of Spell Power ] health on channel start and end.
Class Monk
School Arcane
Cooldown 2 min
Related buff
  • Weapons of Order
  • Increases your Mastery by

    Brewmaster Brewmaster :
    [ 10.000 * $117,906bc1 ]% and your Keg Smash increases the damage you deal to those enemies by 8%, up to 32% for 10 sec.

    Windwalker Windwalker :
    [ 10.000 * $115,636bc1 ]%, Rising Sun Kick reduces Chi costs by 1 for 5 sec, and Blackout Kick reduces the cooldown of affected abilities by an additional 1 sec.

    Mistweaver Mistweaver :
    [ 10.000 * $117,907bc1 ]% and your Essence Font heals nearby allies for [ 40% of Spell Power ] health on channel start and end.
  • Duration: 30 sec

Weapons of Order is the monk class ability of the Kyrian Covenant. It's available to all monks who join the Kyrian.

This ability is also temporarily available during the Bastion portion of the Shadowlands campaign; it's given by the quest N [10-53] The Archon's Answer and lasts until you finish the Bastion storyline.

Patch changes

External links