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Image of Waxface
Gender Male
Race Kobold (Humanoid)
Level 72-82 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Waterworks
Status Killable

Waxface is a dire kobold located in the Waterworks.


  • Ability mage fierypayback.png Burn Away — Burns away enemies, inflicting Fire damage every 1 sec for 4 sec.
  • Inv misc questionmark.png Noxious Gas — The caster emits noxious gas, inflicting X Nature damage and knocking players away. The gas remains for 30 sec, inflicting Nature damage every 1 sec to players within.
  • Inv misc questionmark.png Throw Wax — Hurls a glob of wax at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage and reducing their movement speed by 25% for 6 sec.

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