Warug's Target Dummy

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MobWarug's Target Dummy
Image of Warug's Target Dummy
Race(s) Target dummy (Mechanical)
Level 26
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Gelkis Clan Centaur
Location Magram Village, Desolace

Warug's Target Dummy is an advanced target dummy deployed by Warug at his camp outside Magram Village in Desolace upon completion of N [35] Gizmo for Warug. It persists for a few seconds, making Warug laugh, before it expires.

Somewhat oddly, it is considered part of the Gelkis Clan Centaur faction, meaning it appears as hostile to anyone doing the quest (since the quest requires the player to be affiliated with the Magram Clan Centaur).

Patch changes

External links