Gizmo for Warug

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NeutralGizmo for Warug
Start Warug
End Warug
Level 35 (Requires 31)
Category Desolace
Experience 2050
Previous N [33] Broken Tears
Next N [37] Khan Shaka


Maintain your reputation with the Magram, and bring an Advanced Target Dummy to Warug in the Magram Village in Desolace.


Long ago, a little gnome came to Desolace. He had horses and a cart, and the cart held strange things. Funny things. Things that burned different colors. Things that moved and weren't alive. I killed the little gnome, but before that... he made me laugh.

I kept my favorite thing from his cart. It was a human made of wood and it waved at me until I hit it and broke it.

I want a new one. Get me a new one!



If you are not our enemy, then you will do what I ask!


Yes, this is what I had! I will make it move again. It makes me laugh!


Upon completion, Warug creates Warug's Target Dummy on the ground. It persists for a few seconds before expiring.

Warug says: Hah! Let us see the wooden human wave!
Warug laughs.
Warug says: Hahah! That was funny! Funny wooden human!


  1. A [35] Brutal Politics / H [33] Magram Alliance
  2. N [32] Assault on the Kolkar
  3. N [33] Broken Tears
  4. N [35] Gizmo for Warug
  5. N [37] Khan Shaka
  6. N [42] Khan Hratha

Patch changes

External links