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Warfront: The Battle for Stromgarde (Alliance)

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AllianceWarfront: The Battle for Stromgarde
Start Ralston Karn
End Ralston Karn
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Warfronts
Experience 22,300
Rewards  [Warfronts Equipment Cache], 15x [7th Legion Service Medal],  [Radiant Azerite Core] (750x [Azerite])
46g 80s
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [50] Warfront: The Battle for Stromgarde.


Defeat the Horde at the Battle for Stromgarde.


If the Horde thinks it can assault Stromgarde, it is sorely mistaken! We will not let Arathi fall!

Prepare yourself for battle.


You will receive:


We must do all we can to claim Arathi for the Alliance.


Well fought, <name>, though I'm afraid it may be premature to let our guard down just yet. I am sure our enemy will not sit idly while we rebuild Stromgarde.

Patch changes

See also

External links