WANTED: Sandscout Vesarik

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NeutralWANTED: Sandscout Vesarik
Start Wanted: Sandscout Vesarik
End Zareen
Level 30-60
Type Group (5)
Category Vol'dun
Experience 26,800
Reputation +250 Voldunai
+250 7th Legion
Rewards  [Small Azerite Shard] (115x [Azerite])
70g 20s


Sandscout Vesarik
Experienced in combat. Approach with extreme caution.

Find and kill Sandscout Vesarik.


To any and all who wish to see the Faithless empire fall:

Sandscout Vesarik was spotted patrolling the dunes to the east. Gather a formidable force and strike him down!

Those who succeed will be granted a fitting reward.


You will receive:


Sandscout Vesarik was last seen patrolling the dunes to the east.


Vesarik's death will be a devastating blow to the Faithless forces.

Patch changes

External links