Void-Twisted Spellweaver

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MobVoid-Twisted Spellweaver
Image of Void-Twisted Spellweaver
Gender Male
Race Twilight dragonspawn (Dragonkin)
Level 50 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Twilight dragonflight
Location Twilight Highlands
Status Killable

Void-Twisted Spellweavers are twilight dragonspawn located in and around Vermillion Redoubt in the Twilight Highlands during N [50] In the Shadow of Crimson Wings. Each is accompanied by two Void-Twisted Invaders.


  • Spell fire twilightimmolation.png Twilight Coil — Inflicts Shadowflame damage to an enemy, healing the caster based on damage done.
  • Spell fire twilightflamebolt.png Twilight Fireball — Inflicts Fire damage to an enemy.
  • Spell fire blueflamestrike.png Twilight Shockwave — Unleashes a wave of flame, inflicting Fire damage to nearby enemies and reducing their movement speed for 6 sec.
  • Spell holy prayerofshadowprotection.png Void Nova — Inflicts 20 Shadow damage to enemies within 9 yards. Applies Void Shield to targets struck.
  • Inv enchant voidsphere.png Void Shield — Void damage surrounds the target, absorbing damage for 9 sec.

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