Vitamins and Minerals

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NeutralVitamins and Minerals
Start Callisto Windsor
End Callisto Windsor
Level 65-68
Category The Azure Span
Experience 9,800
Rewards 26g 91s 48c
Shareable Yes
Previous N [65-68] Mossing the Mark & N [65-68] Prowling Polar Predators
Next N [65-68] Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice


Collect 4 Mineral Water Vials.


I suppose I should have expected that Steria would be upset at me asking you to fight animals...

There are of course alternative research methods.

Take these vials and collect some water from the nearby ice crystals.

I theorize that they contain minerals infused with ley crystal energy--and may be fueling the outbreak here.


You will receive:

  • 26g 91s 48c
  • 9,800 XP


Have you filled all the vials?


Excellent, <name>.

These samples should give us a more complete picture of how the outbreak is spreading.


The vials are looted from Strange Ice Crystals.


  1. N [65-68] Field Mages (optional breadcrumb)
  2. N [65-68] Prowling Polar Predators & N [65-68] Mossing the Mark
  3. N [65-68] Needles to Say & N [65-68] Vitamins and Minerals
  4. N [65-68] Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice
  5. N [65-68] Save a Slyvern
  6. N [65-68] They Took the Kits

Alpha version


Investigate 6 strange crystals.

  • Strange Crystals Investigated (6)

Steria is going to need some other components if she wants to pull this off. I have noticed crystals nearby. Perhaps they contain minerals that could help us.

Patch changes

External links