Victory is Within Reach

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NeutralVictory is Within Reach
Start Reshad [45.9, 45.7]
End Reshad [45.9, 45.7]
Level 30-40 (Requires 30)
Type Dungeon
Category Skyreach
Experience 28350
Reputation +500 Arakkoa Outcasts
Rewards 56g 80s
Previous N [30-40] When All Is Aligned


Slay Ranjit, Araknath, Rukhran and High Sage Viryx in the Skyreach dungeon.


We have dealt a crippling blow to the Adherents, but our fight is not yet finished.

Gather your allies and prepare for the final siege on Skyreach!

"Shadows gather when the raven swallows the day.

Burning sky is extinguished as black wings fold gently about the heavens.

Rest, my children, rest. For even the sun must sleep."

This was Rukhmar's lullaby, sung by her to the first arakkoa. My, how we've lost our way.


You will receive: 56g 80s


Perhaps there is now hope for a brighter future. I can only hope some of those in Skyreach have been awakened.



  1. N [30-40] Cult of the Ravenspeakers
  2. N [30-40] To the... Rescue?
  3. N [30-40] The High Ravenspeaker
  4. N [30-40] Rendezvous with the Ritualists
  5. Complete both:
  6. Complete all of:
  7. N [30-40] The Initiate's Revenge
  8. N [30-40] Call of the Raven Mother
  9. N [30-40] On Ebon Wings
  10. N [30-40] When All Is Aligned
  11. N [30-40D] Victory is Within Reach

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