To the... Rescue?

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NeutralTo the... Rescue?
Start Iktis of the Flock [49.0, 49.0]
End Iktis of the Flock [49.0, 49.0]
Level 30-40
Category Spires of Arak
Experience 14500
Reputation +250 Arakkoa Outcasts
Rewards 13g 80s
Previous N [30-40] Cult of the Ravenspeakers
Next N [30-40] The High Ravenspeaker


Rescue "Tillik" from the beast Stonescale in Gnarlwood Pass.


The Parchment of Dust reads: "Put the featherless against one another so that our claws remain unsullied!" How wise the high Ravenspeaker is to foresee this day.

There is a great beast on the hillside to the west by the name of Stonescale. It has abducted one of the flock and despite our many attempts we have been unable to defeat it.

Go, prove yourself by slaying the beast and rescuing Tillik! Fulfill your destiny in the name of the Raven Mother!


You will receive:


Tillik's disappearance caused great sadness to the Flock.


Tillik! Dear friend I'm so glad you have returned! All of the acolytes missed your witty banter after the evening chants.

<Iktis looks back towards you>

Yes, now your great test is done. You have fulfilled the requirements of The Parchment of Dust!


Just uphill to the south is Stonescale, a basilisk. Kill it and loot  ["Tillik" of the Flock] from its corpse.


  1. N [30-40] Cult of the Ravenspeakers
  2. N [30-40] To the... Rescue?
  3. N [30-40] The High Ravenspeaker
  4. N [30-40] Rendezvous with the Ritualists
  5. Complete both:
  6. Complete all of:
  7. N [30-40] The Initiate's Revenge
  8. N [30-40] Call of the Raven Mother
  9. N [30-40] On Ebon Wings
  10. N [30-40] When All Is Aligned
  11. N [30-40D] Victory is Within Reach

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