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Image of Vara
Title <Cloth & Leather Merchant>
Gender Female
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 1-30
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Silvermoon City
Location Falconwing Square Inn, Eversong Woods[48, 48]
Status Alive

Vara is a blood elf cloth and leather armor vendor located at Falconwing Square in Eversong Woods.


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Inv belt 03.png [Battered Leather Belt]
2s 67c
Inv boots wolf.png [Battered Leather Boots]
3s 62c
Inv bracer 02.png [Battered Leather Bracers]
2s 44c
Inv gauntlets 18.png [Battered Leather Gloves]
2s 45c
Inv chest leather 04.png [Battered Leather Harness]
5s 29c
Inv pants wolf.png [Battered Leather Pants]
4s 82c
Inv belt 24.png [Woven Belt]
2s 59c
Inv boots 09.png [Woven Boots]
3s 92c
Inv bracer 10.png [Woven Bracers]
2s 60c
Inv gauntlets 23.png [Woven Gloves]
2s 65c
Inv pants 06.png [Woven Pants]
5s 22c
Inv shirt 07.png [Woven Vest]
5s 18c

Patch changes

External links