User talk:Xmuskrat70261/Great Sea expansion ideas

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What is this?

What in the seven hells is this crap? Are there any sources or verification or is this some fan jerkoff? I'm thinking the latter.

This is a fan-made page, written by me on the Blizzard forums. These are just my ideas. -Masslen

Playing as Naga would be incredibly awesome... --Wingzero890 22:32, 4 March 2007 (EST)

This is the BEST idea for an expansion ever, IMHO! Everyone should know about it.

Just a Suggestion, but why dont someone make a logo for this? i would but it would Suck! Majorly!! but i like this whole idea. i doubt it would come to light, as most fan ideas dont. but it would be cool to explore Kezan --KingStoph 13:29, 24 September 2007 (UTC)

What will it be called?

We can't just call it "the Great Sea" It needs a name... A good one at that! I really liked the Necrologist idea... How about "Wake of the Dead"? Or something like that... --IbbertTheGnome 23:13, 4 April 2007 (EDT)

Or we could just stick with something nondescript like "Great Sea Expansion". Though the title does seem a little long. What about we change it to Possible Great Sea Expansion? User:Eberktor/Sig 23:22, 4 April 2007 (EDT)
Terror of Tides or Shadow of dephts :P.. or something like that since it is associated with nagas and mealstorm. But still Its just rumored expansion. --Axell 20:59, 17 April 2007

Hmm,there are many ways they could name it.Like "The Maelstorm",or perhaps something to do with the Naga.

Well, Im liking either The Terror of the Tides (ToT). I'll change the name.- Masslen/Whirlygig

Cool i was just thinking on something and ToT would fit good for it.. :) --Axell 10:22, 25 April 2007 (EDT)
What ever it's called It needs to be made of of threeish words, every Warcraft game and patch name has been made up of three words, I think.--SWM2448 21:48, 29 April 2007 (EDT)
Sorry but where are 3 words in: Frozen Throne or Burning crusade? --Axell
You need to count the 'The' Im' guessing. In any case, Beyond The Dark Portal is more than 3 words.
Well, generally I think that they have three each, many including the "the's". But for Terror of the Tides, it doesn't work, unless it could be TotT....but that looks kind of silly.

Split Please!

This is one of the largest pages on the site. Can Someone please split it up? I would do it but I'm stumped on how.--SWM2448 21:46, 29 April 2007 (EDT)

Done. --Pcj (TC) 18:51, 3 July 2007 (UTC)
this was the largest page on the site before its spited up Dragonnagaofthewater 14:10, 7 October 2007 (UTC)

Naga as a New Race

I must say, your idea was fantastic. But maybe you could change the Naga lore a bit. You could say that General Salvazius led a rebellion against Queen Azshara, but then it failed. While the general was fleeing away from Nazjatar, Queen Azshara stripped off their power of breathing underwater. After the general and some of his followers fled to land, these exile nagas begin worshipping nature. Elune, which saw this, pity them and transform their serpent tails into legs. Poof! Problems solve for all those people who says naga can't wear pants! (Forgive me of my terrible grammer...)--Blooddealer 05:24, 15 May 2007 (EDT)

Must Naga become a playable race? I mean they have no legs, so finding leggings and shoes are an issue, the genders are too different making it a contradiction to lore to have male casters and female melee fighters, it's kinda hard to mount a creature that has no legs, and the abillity to breath water is had by the undead, although a bonus in swim speed is a viable option. Other than those things the lore is sound. The Naga make better enemies than players. Oh, and give them Shamans, as the storms, lightning, and elemental power seem to be favored by them. Honestly, I dont't believe every expansion has to have a new race. They can focus on other things like new classes, hero classes, siege weapons, boats, etc. Meneldir

man why All Serpents should be the bad guy`s!!!! PS the horde is a bit Bad Guy`s so the naga would fit there as YOU blame them of bad guy`s!!! Dragonnagaofthewater 18:39, 1 September 2007 (UTC)

Well, I get what you were saying but if the lore I provide above was used. It won't be a problem. See, the legs will be scaly for females, and for the males, it would be kinda large and big. And about the breathing problem, I had already stated, there was a rebellion going on in Nazjatar. Thats why Queen Azshara banished them and stripped off their power of breathing underwater.Otherwise, you are right and I was just throwing some ideas around. :P.(Of Course, I would prefer Pandaren over this) ^_^ --Blooddealer 04:35, 13 June 2007 (UTC)

Ok, who cahnged it to Dragon Turtle as the mount? I have altered it back, thank you very much. -Whirlygig 7:58, 21 June 2007

I don't think that druids should be available to the naga, the naga used to be highborne, whom where affiliated to arcane magic.

There could be other things to add

I would suggest throwing in instances where we face Deathwing in his mountain and Azshara in the depths of the sea. Oh, and throw a few dead stormreaver/twilights hammer/blackrock orcs into your tomb of Sargeras instance. Meneldir

I agree, but about Deathwing... I thought he dissapeared? --Blooddealer 04:38, 13 June 2007 (UTC)

Disappeared doesn't mean gone forever. Pzychotix 09:29, 13 June 2007 (UTC)
Azhsara is included, you would fight her in Nazjatar. I was thinking maybe have Deathwing in Grim Batol, a prisoner of the Red Dragonflight. Whirlygig 8:02 21 2007

the whole idia

i had the same like idia too but not that MUCH A HUGE BLOCK OF TEXT you must post this in the wow forums of suggestion or RPG Book or something

this should be a Name: Wold Of Warcraft Rise Of The Depth`s

Dragonnagaofthewater 13:21, 14 June 2007 (UTC)

um...I posted it in the WoW forums before posting it here. They gave me great feedback, and this is the final version. Whirlygig 8:03 21 2007

Okay thats awesome but the naga should have no leg`s or it isn`t naga anymore! Dragonnagaofthewater 18:28, 1 September 2007 (UTC)

PS WOWWOLTK has been official anounced! new lvl cap too lvl 80 so this is needed too be updated for lvl 90! Dragonnagaofthewater 18:33, 1 September 2007 (UTC)

Done Dragonnagaofthewater 14:38, 7 October 2007 (UTC)


I was thinking of some new classes be added to the expansion for example: the aqua-mancer: Leather-wearing shaman like class dealing with the water element. Probably be a dps/buffing type class with maybe a pet. Maybe talents could be: Aquamancing; a dps/buffing spec, A talent like enhance for shammys, and also maybe a summoning spec. Fishes 05:42, 3 July 2007 (UTC)

My own thoughts...

- Level increase to 80
- A new class: the Runemaster
- NO new races
- 3 New Cities: Zuldazar (Horde), Boralus (Alliance), and Undermine (Sanctuary)

- The entirety of the South Seas:

    Isle of Kezan
    Tel Abim
    Plunder Isle
    The Broken Isles
    The Maelstrom
    Gilneas (including Zul Dare)
    Kul Tiras (inlcuding Crestfall and Tol Barad)

- New dungeons:

    Grim Batol

    Tol Barad Magic Prison

    ...and more.

- New seafaring mounts for travel in the Great Sea

- A new profession: Cartography (necessary for finding hard to reach islands)

Maybe the profession isn't going to work, might be too simple, so maybe its a secondary skill like fishing and cooking are? OR possibly some kind of Carpentry profession where you make bows, arrows, polearms, staves, etc.

I also think Pandaren should be left out for the time being, so no Pandaria either.
Sahn'jin 12:05, 10 July 2007 (UTC)

man come on wowwoltk has no new races! now after that NEW RACES I WANT NAGA AS NEW RACE Dragonnagaofthewater 18:30, 1 September 2007 (UTC)

We know.--SWM2448 18:31, 1 September 2007 (UTC)

I think, that there will be some new races in the next wow expansions. For the Great Sea I suggest pandaren (for alliance) and goblins (for horde). However, there is also a possibility of a brand new faction - maybe neutral. And according to the lore, both goblins and pandaren would fit into such a faction. Naze 09:52, 28 October 2007 (UTC)

Symbolic Chances Of Great Sea Expansion!

you Know World of Warcraft Wrath Of The Lich King with a ice theme and Northrend

know if The wrath Failes IN-GAME The ice theme melt`s and turn a a water theme! Dragonnagaofthewater 18:54, 1 September 2007 (UTC)

Naga`s And Troll`s Theory

you know The Trolls Right? first, people Tough they never be a playeble race look now? they playable! the Trolls First didn`t want too have too do anything with the other races they whare the enemy! and the Then DarkSpear Tribe Has been attacked By Murloc`s! but the Orc`s Saved them NOW Only 2 Tribes are meber`s Of The Horde!

The Same Like Thing Can be happen too Naga! and let the rest of the tribe evil and only one or two tribes Horde GET IT!!!?

Dragonnagaofthewater 19:48, 5 September 2007 (UTC)

Hey man! Calm down... --Axell 19:55, 5 September 2007 (UTC)

Fanfic is a no-no

Fanfic should not be in speculation or main articles. It confuses other contributors into thinking its based on actual lore, when it isn't. This then causes some to then create seperate stand-alone articles based on the fanfic. Any fan-made content in this article should removed or moved to a subpage under the original author. This entire page is going to require a huge cleanup.Baggins 00:51, 28 October 2007 (UTC)

I thought this page was intended to be a bit of a fanfic, as it is an entirely fabricated article. Surely the fanfic tag is enough? --User:Vorbis/Sig

The problem it was too much fanfic, and was driving people to think that some of the material was actually official (or we have someone trying to create fanfic main pages, or try to spread false information). Someone actually created a "Pandara City" article. Speculation is one thing, creating a bunch of imaginary zones is another. Otherwise a fully fanfic article should be tied to User page of the one who came up with it first.Baggins 09:18, 28 October 2007 (UTC)
Baggins you cant proove that! i liked the idea i dont think its true i just really hope the naga would be the new race! This is a fanfic duh!!!ofcourse this is but this can be true not fully but it can get it or not like or not i believe so (....) up Dragonnagaofthewater 17:55, 24 November 2007 (UTC)
[Anonymous] Move the page back! NOW!
you are so damn right Dragonnagaofthewater 18:51, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
Page history is a wonderful thing, "Anonymous"... [1] --k_d3 18:59, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
yes it is i ganna use it too reverd it back they it should be! what baggins just do is vandalism!!! 1. if the page is moved it becomes lesser popular 2. not every one lets say only 5% of the viewers look on the page history Dragonnagaofthewater 19:09, 27 November 2007 (UTC)

We have a problem here - that this is in the main namespace reflects badly on the wiki. Perhaps it is time we thought about creating a fan fiction namespace? Meanwhile, Dragonnagaofthewater, please improve your attitude. Throwing vandalism accusations at admins isn't appreciated, especially when they have not had a chance to respond to your allegations. Kirkburn  talk  contr 00:53, 28 November 2007 (UTC)

While I am not taking sides, this was not writter by a User. It was written by forum posters, and added to by users.--SWM2448 00:56, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
Indeed, so moving it under a user space wouldn't work. I do believe this is valid content for the wiki, but it doesn't work well under the main namespace. Given that it's edited by committee, it is also hard for the non RP users to help keep it under control. If there was a fanfic namespace, it would be more easily supported. Kirkburn  talk  contr 01:01, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
Again, fanfic is not allowed in main namespaces. A fanfic namespace would be a good idea however. As for the fanfic that was on this page, actually most of it was all from User:Whirlygig as far I know. You might remember him, Kirkburn, as to his early vandalism and additions to many other pages, that we were forced to clean up. It wasn't just that he made this stuff, if but the fact he was inseminating it into many official articles as well. Also Dragon, as for your "you can't prove it" comment. We don't have to prove it, material that is not correctly cited as coming from official sources, is removed due to our content policies. The burden of proof rests on the person who inserts the material in the first place, otherwise its going to be up for removal. Also why we do allow "speculation" there is a limit to the kind of speculation that we allow, even it has to be citeable to a certain degree, and based on actual content found in official sources, and not contain any specifically made up content. Baggins 05:22, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
Not strictly true - fanfic that does not have a specific author can reside in the main namespace as per policy - however, I have started a discussion on the Village pump to ask if a fanfic namespace is a good idea - Project talk:Village pump#Fanfic_namespace. Kirkburn  talk  contr 15:54, 28 November 2007 (UTC)

I ganna change my attidude becuz i did`nt know baggins was admin but i completely disagree with baggins. OK baggins this is fan fiction Duh! thats why this is linked too Rumored/fiction/fan or Unofficial Expansions. Thats the page this article belongs too. Not too the userpage! cuz this isn`t ("just") RP this is a rumored expansion and the whole Point of this article is people complaining about :Naga. yes the naga!, as new new playable race? That Would Be Awesome or Sux.

the rest of it is just details and the rest that could be awesome Dragonnagaofthewater 20:35, 28 November 2007 (UTC)

I was speaking more along the lines of taking a page like future race ideas (and these kind of pages), or even a page like Sargeras, and including fanfic material on them. Fanfic should not be mixed with lore and speculation pages. Obviously anything that goes beyond what is written in official sources to invent new locations or characters is beyond speculation. Remember, our speculation notice, "This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions supported by lore or by Blizzard officials." is incompatible with fanfic, and it is very confusing when the two are mixed.Baggins 16:42, 28 November 2007 (UTC)

Problem is, I think the intent of this article was unclear - it should either cover known lore or being community fan fiction. At the moment it is a bit of a mess of both. By having the fanfic namespace we can split the two apart, and give RPers much more free reign. Kirkburn  talk  contr 16:56, 28 November 2007 (UTC)

Kirkburn Totaly agree with you Dragonnagaofthewater 20:35, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
It and its mother page, "expansion ideas" started out as a speculation topic, along the lines of future race ideas. Like Future Race Ideas fanfic started to crop into both and all of them. User:Whirlygig was one of the greatest single offenders for adding fanfic to these pages.
Some of the material was split out into seperate 'race idea' pages, with titles like "gnoll idea", or some such. Generally speaking if one of the split off pages started out as pure fanfic we were moving them to their namespace. Especially since two or more persons were creating fanfic "race idea" concepts and putting them on competing pages. But most of the time the race idea pages were just an extended version of the race from the main race idea page, with starting zone ideas based only what could be derived from official lore, or what has been done in the game in the past, but no new place names invented.
The intent of the speculation tag, is to prevent fanfic from being added to the pages.Baggins 17:08, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
Baggins My Apologizes for insulting you and placing you as a suspect i didn`t know you was a admin or so still i hope this Article is finaly free of moving to userpages threaths

Dragonnagaofthewater 20:50, 28 November 2007 (UTC)

Dragonnagaofthewater, your attitude should be the same towards all members of the wiki, administrators or no. In any case, always have a clear knowledge of the relevant policies and guidelines before you enter such a dispute so as to ensure that the wiki is indeed on your side. Furthermore, you'll find reason and logic far more useful than capital letters and belittlement. --User:Vorbis/Sig
I've gone through and removed more fanfic. Anyone who wants to the fan material to exist in the wiki should move it subpage from their user page. Thank You.Baggins 18:59, 22 December 2007 (UTC)
If a forum poster makes it, give them credit on your subpage.--SWM2448 19:04, 22 December 2007 (UTC)
Ya, that seems fair.Baggins 19:07, 22 December 2007 (UTC)
I think the next step to cleaning this up is to removing leveling information. Its way to specific. Currently it implies an expansion directly after WotK, but for all we know Blizzard could have something else planned after Lich King. Articles of this type shouldn't be trying to guess what levels the content will be at. Also I doubt that they'd make Shattered Isles such a low level zone considering how important the place is in lore. This also goes for pure guessing as to playable races. As we have learned expansions don't necessarily have to add playable races.Baggins 19:21, 22 December 2007 (UTC)
User:Xmuskrat created it, so he could host it and give whoever else credit. How is that idea?--SWM2448 02:58, 5 January 2008 (UTC)
I'm going to do it...--SWM2448 20:20, 8 January 2008 (UTC)

Three resons why the Pandaren will never be a playable race

1) Becose a warcry of horror and anger would rise from the Horde players if thet join the Alliance. And the Alliance would do the same if the Horde got them. 2) The Chines Goverment has said: "No!" And no computer game company are dume enough to stand up to a world super power. 3) Sadly I doubt that Blizzard will ever put in a thrid faction (as in a faction of neutral races) in the game.

Thos I can only say that the one and only thing I disslike is the new races. If you most hand out new Races give the Horde the Goblins and the Alliance the High Elfs.

well i dont care what the chinees govermant say`s but isn`t there a law that in art anything can be included or what so ever game design Is Art!!! the Chinees steal the rights of art blizz should be fighting against it but still i dont really care about pandaren the horde would just say "ooh cuty panda ally, but we have the MIGHT OVER THE SEAS HERE IS THE TERROR OF THE TIDES, THE NAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" horde wont care just like me if pandaren belongs too ally lol as long we have naga

Dragonnagaofthewater 18:23, 26 November 2007 (UTC)

I respect your ideas, put please be kinder in your acceptance of the ideas of other people. It is all hopeful guesswork.--SWM2448 22:41, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
hmmm yeah you right sorry i was a asshole anyway plz forgive me Dragonnagaofthewater 18:05, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
I have only one thing to say about the "mighty" Naga... If the Horde gets the Naga, the Alliance most get a real monster or evilish race! Why? Hmmm... Lets see... The Alliance got the Dreanie and they start whit freindly whit the rest of the Alliance?! I mean did the Forsaken start whit freindly? Nope! Did the BElfs start whit friendly? Only whit the Forsaken... So... If we get one more evilish race then the Alliance do to! One they can't trust! Like say, the Worgen... yea, I think thats fair... You get mutated humen wolf-men and we get twisted snake elfs.
I've removed pandaran for two issues. One it had fanfic tied into it. secondly, Pandaria isn't confirmed to be in the Great Sea. Infact if the island was around before the sundering it would have had to have been outside of primordial Kalimdor somewhere, not inside where sunken Kalimdor is located currently, covered by the Great Sea.Baggins 19:02, 22 December 2007 (UTC)
Alright you primitive screwheads, listen up. The Chinese Government communicated with Blizzard presidents on the fact the Pandaren were a major popular race in Warcraft. They came to a mutual agreement that a MMORPG that is popular world wide and is played by many chinese people, should not include a humanoid panda as a playable race for one reason. Panda's are endangered animals. It's not only bad to publicize Panda's like that, it's bad to show Panda's being killed, hurt, or any other dangerous act, regardless if its art or fiction. If Panda's weren't endangered and protected by China, I'm sure none of this would be an issue. But as of right now, any kind of reference used world wide to Panda's, especially being killed or attacked, is prohibited. LordRayken 00:21, 10 November 2008
I just think this is plain pathetic. In the beta of Wrath of the Lich King, there was an achievement to kill 1,000,000 tuskarrs (walrus people) and they are certainly killable in Northrend in the wild as well. My god, do you think the Eskimos will protest??? Stop listening to China, they're so evil anyway. And it's a game. We kill humans and god-knows-what in WoW, does it mean we do it IRL as well? Grow up, China ffs! --User:ShandrisForever 10:16, 10 November 2008 (UTC)

Naga as a playable race

Dragonnagaofthewater.....dude, Naga are evil, the HORDE IS NOT EVIL! We got this clear? Just checking. Venwe 05:43, 29 November 2007 (UTC)

Dude leave me alone and there is a possobility that a tribe forms that rebel the evil naga so that single tribe would perhaps seeking out for joining the horde! and let just the rest of the naga`s evil CLEAR? if you still dont get it here is a explanation: Races are separated in tribes (Big very big groups)and if one of the tribe is starting too hate the other tribe they leave the evil naga and turns in too good naga clear? PS:and i dont care you are afraid of snakes! I am not becuas i have a snake as a pet in my house that just moving around in my house (that snake is harmless if it bites there is no venom lolz and cannot constrict humans)Dragonnagaofthewater 16:08, 29 November 2007 (UTC)

Technical Solutions

Moved to User:Dragonnagaofthewater/Naga ideas

How it will be like

The way they'll probably set it up is that the Kul Tiras and those palces will be lower lvls & that the Maelstrom & Sunken Kalimdor will be the 80-90 part. (Hallowseve15 (talk))