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Player Bio

Zhai is a Horde player from England. She plays on the European server Hellscream, and is the webmistress/forum admin for the guild Ebon Phoenix.

She began playing World of Warcraft on the European server Argent Dawn in late 2006, prior to the release of the Burning Crusade, but moved to the Hellscream server shortly afterwards in order to play with 'real life' friends. However, she still enjoys playing in character on occasion, despite having moved to a non-RP realm. Before World of Warcraft, Zhai has played several other MMORPGs (including Guild Wars and Neverwinter Nights), and is a diehard gaming nerd in general. She can usually be found adventuring with her partner-in-crime and better half, Thedevineass.

Zhai's username (and the name of her Shaman) originates from the half-Drow protagonist, Zhai, in the XBOX game Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone.


Faction Server Name Race Class Level Professions Talent Build Status
Horde Hellscream EU Zhai Troll Shaman 85 Herbalism
First Aid
No Spec Active (Main)
Horde Hellscream EU Tiresia Forsaken Warlock 70 Tailoring
Active (Alt)
Horde Hellscream EU Rosary Sin'dorei Priest 78 Jewelcrafting
Active (Alt)
Horde Hellscream EU Zincarla Troll Death knight 59 Blacksmithing
Active (Alt)

Thanks to Fandyllic and Varghedin for this template :)

Hellscream-warcraftiii-cinematic.jpg This user plays on the European Hellscream server.
Icon OnlyHorde.gif Death to the Alliance!
This user only plays as a member of the Horde.
Ability parry.png This user is dedicated, but not hardcore.
Achievement level 85.png This user has reached level 85.
(Prior to the level squish)
Inv misc book 07.png This user has a strong interest in articles on lore.
WoWlogo old.png This user has been playing since the original World of Warcraft came out.
War3Box orc.png This user has been playing since Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos.
Mini Chuck.png "Where is Mankrik's wife?"
This user survived Barrens Chat.
Inv misc head dragon black.png This user prefers to PvE.
Inv misc head dragon blue.png This user prefers to raid.
Achievement boss prince malchezaar.png This user's character has cleared Karazhan.
Achievement boss gruulthedragonkiller.png This user's character has cleared Gruul's Lair.
Achievement boss magtheridon.png This user's character has cleared Magtheridon's Lair.
Achievement boss zuljin.png This user's character has cleared the original Zul'Aman raid.
Achievement boss ladyvashj.png This user's character has cleared Serpentshrine Cavern.
Achievement boss kael'thassunstrider 01.png This user's character has downed 3 bosses in The Eye.
Achievement boss archimonde.png This user's character has downed 3 bosses in the Battle for Mount Hyjal.
Achievement dungeon naxxramas.png This user's character has cleared 10-man Naxxramas in Northrend.
Achievement dungeon naxxramas 25man.png This user's character has cleared 25-man Naxxramas in Northrend.
Achievement dungeon coablackdragonflight.png This user's character has cleared the 10-man Obsidian Sanctum.
Achievement dungeon coablackdragonflight 10man.png This user's character has cleared the 25-man Obsidian Sanctum.
Achievement dungeon nexusraid.png This user's character has cleared the 10-man Eye of Eternity.
Achievement dungeon nexusraid 10man.png This user's character has cleared the 25-man Eye of Eternity.
Achievement boss onyxia.png This user's character has cleared the newly revamped Onyxia..
Spell frost frostbrand.png This user's character has cleared the 10-man Vault of Archavon.
Achievement dungeon ulduarraid misc 01.png This user's character has cleared 10-man Ulduar.
Achievement dungeon ulduarraid misc 01.png This user's character has downed 3 bosses in 25-man Ulduar.
Achievement reputation argentchampion.png This user's character has cleared 10-man Trial of the Crusader.
Achievement reputation argentchampion.png This user's character has downed 4 bosses in 25-man Trial of the Crusader.
Achievement boss lichking.png This user's character has downed 7 bosses in 10-man Icecrown Citadel.
Ability Mount Raptor.png This user's character has obtained a Razzashi Raptor mount.
Ability Mount CockatriceMountElite White.png This user's character has obtained a White Hawkstrider.
Darkspear Troll Banner small.png This user helped the Darkspear trolls reclaim the Echo Isles.
Inv misc book 07.png This user has earned the The Loremaster achievement.