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This article is a player character biography page for Zenruid of Sisters of Elune US

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.
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Zenru Fateshifter
Faction Alliance
Gender Male
Level 85
Race Night elf
Class Druid
Professions Enchanting, Engineering
Realm Sisters of Elune US
Guild Renewal

Armory Link

Zenruid Armory Link


2011/14/3 ((This is a reimagined version of a character that was retired.)) Name: Zen Fateshifter Council member Renewal guild. Race: Night Elf Title: Felinus Snarkyus Maximus Class: Druid Style: Feral Combat

Age: 1337(Ish) Height: 7’1” Weight: Thin Hair: Blue, short Eyes: Amber

Hometown: Moonglade Professions: Enchanter and Engineer.

Shiftium: A special enchanted metal that is able to shape shift like Druids. Effects of long term exposure to the metal are unknown.

Distinguishing Items/Marks: Items Com-link: Modified Scout communicator. Many of the components have been remade with Shiftium allowing the device to be implanted into Zen’s left ear.

Fateshifter Legacy Weapon: (( Made of Titan Shiftium given to Zen by his father Ryo Fateshifter. The weapon is said to be part of a larger cache of Titan artifacts discovered thousands of years ago before the Great Sundering. After the Sundering the cache was lost.

Goggles: (( Created by Zen, specially made of Shiftium so he can wear the goggles in his different forms. Even while shape shifted the goggles are visible on Zen’s head, equipped with low light, thermal, magnifying and mana vision modes.

Shiftium gauntlet: A gauntlet covering Zen’s right arm up past his elbow, made of Shiftium allowing him to wear it in different forms, equipped with Tazik Shocker ((, Quickflip Deflection plates ((, Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket (( Even while shape shifted the gauntlet is visible on Zen’s right arm (or form equivalent).