User:Ximothy/Warcraft IV

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My fan idea of Warcraft IV, just for fun. Nothing serious.


Split into two stories, the first consisting of the Alliance and Forsaken campaigns, and the second consisting of the Kaldorei and Horde campaigns. An expansion faction and campaign, the Naga, would be released afterwards.

Frozen North

Bolvar Fordragon

Alliance Campaign: Retribution

Since their devastating losses in the Third War the Alliance have been rebuilding their forces and inventing new machines of war. Easily the most technologically advance of the four armies, the Alliance employ tanks, guns and flying machines alongside their foot soldiers and knights. However they've recently advanced further, with the gnomes creating the new Gunships to allow the Alliance a more rapid deployment as one gunship acts as a mobile base. The Scourge had laid dormant for years before suddenly advancing across the globe, even as far as Kalimdor as the Scourge encroach on Theramore, ripping the earth open and searching for something. With the Scourge now invading in force the Alliance will deploy the 7th Legion their elite force led by Highlord Bolvar Fordragon to drive back the Scourge within their own territory, while also dealing with new threats. Their campaign will bring them to the shadow of Icecrown itself where the Alliance will bring their retribution to the Frozen Throne itself.

Bolvar, the last student of Uther before his death, commands the 7th Legion and acts as the primary hero of the campaign. With the help of Brann Bronzebeard the Alliance will empower the Lightbringer, the weapon of Bolvar that once belonged to Uther himself, to be strong enough to combat Frostmourne itself especially thanks to a powerful Spark found in Ulduar within the Storm Peaks. With the weapon in hand the Alliance will broker a tempory and uneasy alliance with the Forsaken to invade Icecrown itself, where the Alliance will seek to avenge all those lost to Arthas and his Scourge and finally defeat the Lich King.


  • Bolvar Fordragon (Crusader)- The last student of Uther, still in training when Arthas betrayed his people and killed Uther, Bolvar completed his training unofficially under the exile Tirion Fordring and returned to his homeland of Stormwind. His childhood friend, King Varian Wrynn, as Bolvar's household were old and close friends of House Wrynn. As one of the surviving Paladins unaffiliated with the crazed Scarlet Crusade to the north, Bolvar has risen through the Alliance ranks and was entrusted, at Varian's reconemdations, as the Highlord of the 7th Legion. Wielding his fallen mentor's hammer, Bolvar intends to bring retribution against the Scourge.
  • Rhonin (Archmage of Kirin Tor)- A powerful arcanist and veteran of the Second and Third Wars, Rhonin is one of the few surviving Archmages left after the Third War and continues to place his arts in the Alliance's service. He is the husband of Vereesa Windrunner and old friend of Falstad Wildhammer. The three of them were assigned as Bolvar's lieutenants onboard the Skybreaker.
  • Vereesa Windrunner (Farstrider): One of the Farstrider leaders of the remnant elves, Vereesa is an Alliance veteran who fought for them during the Third War despite her people's isolation and continued her service into the modern day, being sickened when she heard of the pact the blood elves made with demons. Her busband is Rhonin and she is an old friend of Falstad Wildhammer, all three of them being recruited into the 7th Legion.
  • Brann Bronzebeard (Grand Explorer): The youngest of the Bronzebeard brothers, Brann is a renown explorer across Azeroth and beyond as well as a scholar in Titan lore. His adventurers have brought him to uncover secrets that could aid the Alliance in over coming the Scourge, and so he will bring in the 7th Legion to aid in his expeditions to Titan ruins.
  • Kelsey Steelspark (Covert Operative): To most she is the curious and approachable chief engineer of the Skybreaker, though in truth she is one of the top agents of the Gnomeregan Covert Operations that works as the Alliance Assembly's eyes and ears. Though she works under cover, her work as an agent will eventually be uncovered allowing her to more openly aid the Skybreaker crew in their battles ahead.

Sylvanas Windrunner

Forsaken Campaign: Damnation of the Forsaken

In the wake of the Siege of Icecrown the already fragile relations between the Forsaken and the Alliance completely break down as the Forsaken feel they've been denied their rightful vengeance. With the loss of the Lich King the Scourge has broken down into warlords who vie for control of the Scourge while the Alliance retain control over Icecrown itself. Yet as Sylvanas conquers various warlords to absorb their now free undead into the Forsaken, bolstering their depleted numbers, she is drawn into ancient conspiracies by Anub'arak who warns her that the Scourge's resurgence was not simply the Lich King seeking domination, but to bolster his armies to fight what was to come. While she continues her path of vengeance against Alliance who were keeping Arthas from them, she will also learn what the Lich King was doing since the end of the Third War and his ascension.

Using her mobile fortress, a colossal Necropolis called Tenebrus, Sylvanas claims scattered warbands of the Scourge, makes pacts with new allies, uncovers ancient dangers deep below the earth further than even the Spider Kingdoms of old, and continue her warpath of vengeance against the man who killed her and slaughtered her people who remains alive and in Alliance custody, as they refused to hand Arthas to Sylvanas for their own trial and denied the Forsaken their rightful vengeance. Now is the hour of the Forsaken and the world will shake in their wake.


  • Sylvanas Windrunner (Dark Ranger): The Banshee Queen of the Forsaken, once Ranger-General of Quel'Thalas, leads her Forsaken on their path of vengeance against the Scourge who took everything from them and enslaved their tortured souls. Though initially against the Alliance, she would parley with the 7th Legion during the Fourth War in order to reach her goal of killing Arthas, only for her vengeance to be denied when the helm was broken, freeing Arthas, and he was taken in by the Alliance. Now denied by the living she leads the Forsaken against everyone, both undead and living, that stands in her way.
  • Varimathras (Scholomancer): The majordomo of the Forsaken and once a Dreadlord of the Legion, Varimathras has sworn his loyalty to Sylvanas in return for his life. Having broken ancient Nathrezim law by slaying Balnazzar he attached his fate to that of Sylvanas, and as such will ensure survives to keep himself alive.
  • Anub'arak (Crypt King): Though once an unwilling servant of the Scourge who scoured his kingdom, he survived the Alliance's invasion of Northrend and would come to Sylvanas, warning her that the Lich King had foes greater than the Alliace war machine. Now with free will, he offers his services to the Forsaken to guide them in fighting the ancient evils below the earth.
  • Baron Rivendare (Death Knight): Once Baron of Stratholme and a Knight of the Silver Hand, Baron Rivendare fought the Scourge in life yet rejection and condemation of those he protected led to him willingly joining the Scourge in a moment of weakness, taking up a runeblade and becoming a Death Knight. Haunted by his past actions, he's made new alliances since being freed from the Scourge's control and has joined the Forsaken to pursue new goals.
  • Nathanos Blightcaller (Executor): In life he was a knight of Lordaeron, and in death he has become the head Executor of Sylvanas' reign over the Forsaken. Having been the one to organise the Forsaken's military, Nathanos Blightcaller commands the Forsaken in Sylvanas' absence, trying to retain control over their Lordaeron territory.

Shifting Sands

Tyrande Whisperwind and Malfurion Stormrage

Kaldorei Campaign: Render unto Shadows:

Once the Kaldorei stood as guardians of the World Tree, by protecting it they protected all of Azeroth and in return they received three blessings from the Dragon Aspects Alextrasza, who safeguarded them from diseases and faime; Ysera, who gave them command over nature; and Nozdormu who gave them immortality. When the Kaldorei used these very blessings to detonate a powerful blast capable of destroying Archimonde they lost all three gifts and found themselves mortal. Though some elves left to find the Aspects to demand the blessings again Nozdormu refused, citing that these gifts were there to help them protect the Tree and were not a gift. With the Aspects refusing to give these blessings again the Kaldorei saw an uncertain future as diseases begun to ravage their people and they found many of natures allies such as Mountain Giants and Chimeras leaving their side, no longer bound to their command.

During these perilous times the Kaldorei struggle with dealing with keeping their lands secure, especially as naga forces arrive on their shores, and a new group calling themselves the Shalla'tor has risen. Initially acting as a relief and charity organisation the group has grown in influence and spread their beliefs of finding new paths to immortality and calling the leadership of Tyrande and Malfurion into question as they do not seek to restore the blessings their kind once enjoyed. As darkness brews in the world and war returns, Malfurion hopes to mend the Kaldorei's ties with nature through partnership instead of the command they had before while Tyrande fight to protect their shrinking forests and maintain the heart and faith of their people.


  • Malfurion Stormrage (Archdruid):
  • Tyrande Whisperwind (Priestess of Elune): For ten menellia she has protected Kalimdor's forests from any who would face her wrath and led her people in the Third War. Now facing a growing darkness both within her people and her family she must determine
  • Shandris Feathermoon (Shadow Render): The adoptive daughter of Tyrande and Malfurion, Shandris has faithfully served her people for thousands of years and fought through the Third War, even the Battle of Mount Hyjal where she bore witness to her people's loss of immortality personally. As the Shalla'tor spread their influence, Shandris may fall in with the new movement in the name of preserving her people.
  • Tukov One-Eye (Claws of Ursoc): A powerful former chieftain and champion of Ursoc and Ursol, Tukov is a rage filled berserker who saw his tribe destroyed by the Legion and so throws himself at the dangers of Kalimdor to attain purpose and seeks death. Perhaps by joining forces with the Kaldorei he can find purpose once more.
High Overlord Saurfang

Horde Campaign: Bonds of Blood and Iron


  • High Overlord Saurfang (Overlord):
  • Asha Ravenfeather (Spirit Guide):
  • Rokhan (Shadow Hunter):
  • Garona (Master Assassin):
  • Rexxar (Beastmaster):

The Dark Tide

Naga Campaign: The Dark Tide

Lady Nar'jira, Battlemaiden


  • Nar'jira (Battlemaiden):
  • Lady Naz-Jar (Sea Witch):
  • Nejentus (Anomaly):
  • Sivarra (Abyssal Commander):
  • R'khem (Harbinger):

Playable Factions:


The Alliance, consisting of the Human Kingdoms, the Dwarven Clans, the Gnomeregan Gnomes and what few High Elves remain on Azeroth. While the Third War was a victory for the mortal races, for the Alliance is was seen as a crushing defeat as they many of their kingdoms to the Undead Scourge. They've spent the past decade preparing for their retribution, intending to reclaim lost territory and bring their war to the Frozen Throne itself. They've stood in an uneasy peace with the factions on Kalimdor, distance preventing true hostilities, however many in the Alliance refuse to accept peace with the Horde after everything they had done against the Alliance. As war with the Scourge comes many in the ruling Alliance Assembly also push to bring their war of retribution to the Horde.

Currently the Alliance Assembly consists of the leaders of the human nations of Theramore, Stormwind and Stromgarde; the dwarven thanes of clans Bronzebeard and Wildhammer; the High Tinker of Gnomeregan and a spokesman for the Quel'Dorei Remnants.


IconSmall Human2 Male.gifIconSmall Human2 Female.gifCrusader: Once the Silver Hand Paladins were a shining beacon of purity, protection and devotion, the Third War devastated them in number and reputaiton. Their greatest fell fighting the darkness, however many joined the Scourge and Prince Arthas disbanded the Silver Hand before falling to corruption himself. Few Paladins survived the war, with them reforming into the Crusaders, vengeful warriors of retribution and holy wrath. When Crusaders go to war they bring the Light with them, employing Inquisitors and Paladins as soldiers under their command.

IconSmall Human2 Male.gifIconSmall Human2 Female.gifArchmage of Kirin Tor: When Dalaran fell many of the greatest archmagi of man fell with them, however the order of the Kirin Tor did survive the war. They no longer command a nation however the Archmagi of Kirin Tor remain a formidable force capable of devastating magics and tactics. When going to war they bring schools of Frost and Fire, with magi specalised in specific arts. Many magi hope that under the Alliance their kingdom will be rebuilt and they'll return to Dalaran, however for the time being they are prepared to war alongside the Alliance armies and command armies to war.

IconSmall Dwarf2 Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf2 Female.gifGrand Explorer: Cunning agents of the Explorers Guild, the Grand Explorers are the most elite of their league capable of leading military expeditions to uncover treasure and knowledge capable of helping the Alliance in war, and expand the dwarves' own understanding of the past. Using pistols, bombs and other inventions the Grand Explorers use their intelligence and a cunning mind over the more brute strength of a Thane. When leading the war front they employ agents of their Guild for better exploration and resource exploitation.

IconSmall Gnome2 Male.gifIconSmall Gnome2 Female.gifCovert Agent: Skilled and stealthy gnomish agents, the Operatives are skilled in sabotage and espionage, and have been pledged to the Alliance by their High Tinker as the Alliance's spy network. Though once rarely seen outside of gnomish territory, at least as far as the other races know, the Covert Operatives have now begun to act as the Assembly's eyes and ears, relaying information back to them. They will bring fellow agents and unique gnomish inventions when they are placed in command.

IconSmall HighElf Male.gifIconSmall HighElf Female.gifFarstriders: Elite operatives of the Ranger Corps that once protected Quel'Thalas, the Farstriders lead the remnants of high elves left on Azeroth who either refused to join their Prince over ideals or moral concerns about allying with demons, or were simply not able to follow him, with the Farstriders condemning allying with demons to deal with their magic withdrawls. They prowl the forests of Alliance lands to keep it clear of demon taint, greatly distrusting orcs and night elves despite the peace treaties. When leading the Alliance forces to war they can employ more elves than usual who hold a magical withdrawal system to avoid deaths on the battlefield.


Unlike the more unified factions of the Alliance, Kaldorei and the Horde, the Undead are split between two distinct groups; the Undead Scourge and the free willed Forsaken. The Scourge was engineered by the Legion however in the wake of the Legion's defeat in the Third War they claimed independence through the union of their master Ner'zhul fusing with the champion Arthas Menethil into the abominable Lich King of the Scourge. However during the Scourge's rebellion against the Legion they suffered a schism of their own, as attacks launched against the Frozen Throne allowed a break away faction of undead led by Sylvanas Windrunner to form the Forsaken, staking a claim to the Plaguelands that was once known as Lordaeron.

Now the Forsaken plan their vengeance against the Scourge for the destruction of their lives and enslavement to their will, however they also fight with the human factions left in the region as the Forsaken are determined to kill anyone who comes in between them and their goals. The Scourge, however, had remained largely dormant during the intermin since the Third War with many questions as to what the Lich King was up to. The sudden resurgance of the Scourge has led to the beginning of what many consider the Fourth War, however for the Forsaken this is the same war they've been fighting for the past several years.


IconSmall Cultist Male.gifIconSmall Cultist Female.gifDeath Knights:

IconSmall Lich Male.gifIconSmall Nathrezim.gifScholomancer:

IconSmall Anub'arak.gifCrypt King:

IconSmall UndeadElf Male.gifIconSmall UndeadElf Female.gifDark Ranger:

IconSmall Undead2 Male.gifIconSmall Undead2 Female.gifExecutor:



IconSmall NightElf2 Male.gifArchdruid:

IconSmall NightElf2 Female.gifPriestess of Elune:

IconSmall Furbolg.gifClaws of Ursoc

IconSmall NightElf2 Male.gifIconSmall NightElf2 Female.gifShadow Renders

Need a fifth Hero. Not a night elf.



IconSmall Orc2 Male.gifIconSmall Orc2 Female.gifOverlord:

IconSmall Tauren2 Male.gifIconSmall Tauren2 Female.gifSpirit Guide:

IconSmall Troll2 Male.gifIconSmall Troll2 Female.gifShadow Hunter:

IconSmall Orc2 Male.gifIconSmall Orc2 Female.gifMaster Assassin:

IconSmall Mok'Nathal Male.gifIconSmall Mok'Nathal Female.gifBeastmaster:

Naga Empire


IconSmall Naga Female.gif Battlemaiden

IconSmall NagaSeaWitch.gif Sea Witch

IconSmall NagaLord.gif Naga Anomaly

IconSmall NagaCentaur.gif Abyssal Commander

IconSmall FacelessOne.gif Harbinger

Other Factions

Undead Scourge


  • The Lich King (Death Knight)
  • Kel'thuzad (Scholomancer)

Twilight's Hammer


  • Cho'gall (Ogre Magelord):

Scarlet Crusade:


  • Saidan Dathrohan:
  • Highlord Demitrian



  • Fandral Staghelm (Archdruid)
  • Natalia Mar'alith (Priestess of Elune):