User:Ximothy/FalloutAzeroth/Stormwind Wastes

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MobStormwind Wastes
Capital(s) Stormwind City †
Races HumanHuman Human
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
GnomeGnome Gnome
PandarenPandaren Pandaren
OrcOrc Orc
WorgenWorgen Worgen
Major settlements Sentinel Hill
Shelter City
Old Goldshire
Brokenback Mountain
Minor settlements New Paw'don
Northshire Abbey
Society Tower
Affiliation Pioneer Guard, Children of the Cataclysm, Brotherhood of the Light, New Society, The Remnants, Conclave, Raider Gangs.
Former affiliation(s) Alliance Kingdom of Stormwind
Location Southern Eastern Kingdoms



The land was blasted and the sky tainted purple.

In a short hour Horde Azerite warheads hit the region. Much of Stormwind was destroyed, with the district of Old Town and the castle itself being destroyed, and radiation flooding through the canals. Across the kingdoms various settlements were hit; Goldshire, Eastvale, Darkshire and Lakeshire were directly hit and destroyed, as well as places such as Westbrooke and Stonewatch. Stormwind holdings in the swamps, such as Marshtide, were also struck and destroyed with the swamps sinking into a horrid place and most inhabitants mutating into a unique form of lepers localized to the swamps. Westfall was targeted, however Sentinel was over looked while Moonbrooke was hit by a shockwave of one warhead hitting the mountains to the south. Thanks to Lake Everstill becoming irradiated the rivers that flow from it into Elwynn, Duskwood and Westfall spread the taint with its flow and killed many of the banks. The coastline of Westfall has corpses of many creatures killed by the irradiation of the sea, with incursions of direlocs appearing who have swam up river and spread across the region.

The Shelters sealed many survivors below the surface across the region which preserved the greatest number of survivors, only a few hubs across the country survived. Sentinel Hill was one of the only surviving settlements, rebuilding their broken walls with destroyed motor vehicles and other scrap to keep out feral mutants and the growing number of raiders. Survivors from Moonbrooke would eventually reach them. In Redridge there were few survivors, one of which was Jasper Fel who was stationed at a watch tower just outside of Stonewatch that was hit and he suffered leprosy, giving him effective immortality but other mutations. Some orc warbands from the north came down into Redridge to find refuge from the scorching winds of the Steppes and formed the Remnant, determined to continue to fight this war despite the apocalypse and operated from Brokenback Rock. Survivors in Duskwood came to settle in a place called the Toybox, a former Tinker-Tank facility in western Duskwood, where they hold out against mutant undead and worgen who prowl these dead woods now. A town that pre-dated the bombs was New Paw'don which was one of the few "Pandatowns" that the Alliance established to house their pandaren population during the Last War. Its people are said to be one of the few who actually cheered at the apocalypse, finally being left alone.

Some Shelters would open over time and intergrate with various societites, though the most famous Shelter is Shelter 11 in Redridge which would have human and orc inhabitants in an attempt to see if co-existence was possible and after fifty years the two did settle into a shared community, opening their Shelter and founding Shelter City over what was Stonewatch, using their Garden to clear it of radiation until it was spent. A Shelter under Elwynn, Shelter 15, would open and its inhabitants would taken over what remains of Goldshire, which included Lion's Pride, and create a new settlement there.


Sentinel Hill:

The settlement of Sentinel Hill is a pre-bomb settlement that survived the apocalypse by not being deemed important enough to bomb, being more of a hub than a military or civilian target. Many survivors came to the hill and reinforced the walls by rebuilding them from junk, ruined cars and other such large wreckage. The inhabitants worked hard to keep their food and water up, though it was irradiated, and thankfully trade would come about when caravans guarded by the nascent Pioneer Guard begun to come to the Hill. Sentinel Hill would grow into a large community in the wasteland, run by a person who is a combined Sheriff and Mayor role, and they keep an outpost of Pioneer Guards at all time. They often deal with raiders coming from the city ruins as well as some of the undead and worgen that come from the southern woods, with more recent arrival of the New Society slavers in the north proving a new problem.

Shelter City:

Shelter 11, a Shelter located in Redridge Mountains, was built to possess a population of humans and orcs in order to see if a population so divided would survive. Against all odds the two races were able to settle their differences and triumph over their racial past, with the Shelter opening twenty seven years before Shelter 7, and using their Garden they cleared radiation from Stonewatch and used the location as the site of their new Shelter City. They grew into a stable settlement, growing actual trees and untainted farmlands, though they were hesitant of outsiders. They do allow lepers into their settlement, as their early settlement was saved by a leper Pioneer Guard patrol, and they are seeking a means to purify Lake Everstill. However they are insular by nature and do not often trade their medicine or purified food to outsiders which led to Tobias Osgood to create the Children of the Cataclysm to spread learning and medicine across the lands. Though the Children are allowed in Shelter City some don't like them for spreading word of their settlement to others and bringing outsiders. They constantly deal with the Remnant to the north and west, these orcs fighting a war both sides lost decades ago and they especially hate the orcs who live in Shelter City for being "Gladium" or deserters despite them never being part of either the Remnant or the Horde.


Old Goldshire:

New Paw'don:



Pioneer Guard

A small militia of volunteers the Pioneer Guard descend from surviving Alliance military men and women, mostly Stormwind Guard, who banded together to protect what little was left after the Final Hour. It was founded by Jasper Fel, a former agent of Anduin Wrynn and former SI:7 operative, mostly to protect the few settlements and trade routes left with them guiding caravans from each settlement to one another. Since their founding they've become known for dispensing "wasteland justice" which most settlements accept as they punish thieves, raiders, murderers and others. However some see them as self imposed police, that they force their own views of justice on everyone, raider and settler alike. Still seeing Pioneer Guard serving as sheriffs in settlements is common. They have a permanent outpost in Sentinel, Toybox and Shelter City while often passing through Riverside and Goldshire. They often deal with raiders, feral lepers, wargs and rogue machines. They especially hate the New Society, a slaver organisation that also regularly hires raiders.

Jasper no longer leads them, having long passed on the leadership mantle despite still being alive thanks to this leprosy. Marshal Spindall now leads them while also acting as mayor of Riverside. In recent times the arrival of the Brotherhood and the rising dangers of Stormwind Ruins has led to the Pioneer Guard picking up their recruitment efforts in response especially as the ruined Elwynn has become increasingly more dangerous region as raiders from Stormwind proper are being driven south into Elwynn by the Brotherhood.

Children of the Cataclysm

A charity organisation that were founded by Shelter City inhabitants that did not agree with how insular the society was, the organisation has spread to various settlements to spread education and medicine, teaching settlements how to make their own medicine and how to read. Currently led by Tobias Osgood who lives in Shelter City where the group was initially founded some decades ago. They have a working relationship with the Pioneer Guard however the two do butt heads, especially as the Pioneer's response to most situations is violence while the Children want to find more peaceful resolutions to things, however the Pioneers will provide medicine they find to the Children to distribute to those who need it. They used to have an outpost in the Cathedral district however the arrival of the Brotherhood has driven them out, causing relations between the two to be poor. Some believe they are secretly a cult, such as the Brotherhood.

Brotherhood of the Light

In the remnants of Lordaeron are a growing power called the Brotherhood of the Light, an order that once served the Argent Crusade and Alliance before defecting from the faction in protest over the loss of faith towards the Light and the abuse of religious artifacts. They hunkered down in Darrowshire during the apocalypse and thus outlived the Alliance and Crusade. Following the end they would raid the ruined settlements of Stratholme, Tyr's Hand and beyond to bring artifacts related to the Light back to Darrowshire, killing many survivors of the old Crusade that refused to denounce it and join the Brotherhood. Raising the old banner of the Dawn the Brotherhood declared themselves the true successors to the Church and that they were the rightful inheritors of anything related to the Light, regarding others as outsiders at best and heathens at worst. In the several decades since the end they've grown in number and established new chapters of their order, with one group formed to head south to Stormwind and recover artifacts there.

This new chapter was led by High Crusader Dosantos and they made the dangerous trip through the ruined Khaz Modan, finding the scorching winds around Black Rock Spire inpassable. As such they braved the toxic blizzards of Dun Morogh to head through the leper filled Deeprun Tram and emerged in Stormwind Ruins itself. They in short order took control of the Cathedral District, driving out the other groups such as raiders and Children. Their encroachment to the region has also caused many raider gangs to migrate south, upsetting the balance of the region and causing the trade lines of the settlements to be disrupted. High Crusader Dosantos sent a smaller unit led by Crusader Wolffe to take Northshire, another location of importance, however some think Dosantos sent Wolffe off because of disagreements between the two and because of Wolffe's 'condition'. The core of the Brotherhood here are based in the Cathedral and they rumage through the ruins and beyond to find anything relating to the Light to take, usually preferring diplomancy with settlements to get what they want because it is less of a drain on their resources however they will take what they want by force.

Identifiable for their Power Armor that they wear, these Power Armor are heavy suits of armor that is empowered by the faith of the user allowing enhanced strength and durability at the cost of speed. It is also fully sealed and radiation proof, which also led to the Brotherhood's anti mutant stance. Power Armor is worn by Paladins and Crusaders however they only have so many suits and only have Human and Dwarf suits of armor, meaning no gnome members of the Brotherhood have a suit of armor.

The leadership of the Brotherhood are the Crusaders; the Grand Crusader is the over all leader of the Brotherhood, the leader of the Brotherhood during the Final Hour was Maxwell Tyrosus and his descendant, Roger Tyrosus, is the current Grand Crusader; the chapters are each led by a High Crusader such as Dosantos leading the Stormwind Chapter; and a Crusader leads units within a chapter. Outside of the leadership are the three castes; the Paladins who wear the armour and wield the light; the Clerics who maintain the armor and holy artifacts; and the Priests who maintain information and history.


A highly secretive group located somewhere in the Stormwind Ruins that operate through agents, radio and computers rather than in person, as such no one knows who exactly the Conclave members are. They trade through their agents for a wide assortment of things, some basic such as food but they seem to seek reagents related to alchemy of some sort from far and wide, with more outlandish requests requiring items from as far as Kalimdor.

New Society

Based from their Society Tower within the Stormwind ruins, the New Society is a fast growing organisation that seeks to establish a new aristocratic society built on the back of slavery. Led by the so called "Duke" and the "Duchess" the Society have hired many mercenaries onto their permanent pay roll and have established farms in northern Westfall that provides food and water for them on the backs of slaves. They claim to be descendant from nobility that survived the Final Hour and did not make it to Shelter 13 below the castle and instead survived in the Mage District. The sigil of this Society is a Black Drake on a white field. The Pioneer Guard and Children both despise them and consider anyone who willingly works with them as their enemies.

Brokenback Remnants

Although its been seven decades since the war's end, not all will let go of the past. The Remnants are descendants of Horde invaders in the area that survived the end times and continued their war on the locals. Most consider them nothing more than raiders, they are poorly maintained who rely on taking resources to survive, and not any true Horde. Many orcs have left them, even settling with other Settlements despite a general prejudice against any race of Horde descent. However they still operate in the area and are currently led by Warlord Brokenback, who has renamed their area after his family so it is known as Brokenback Mountain. Reports they've written establish that they've sent agents north into what remains of the Burning Steppes however it's become a highly inhospitable region with scorching winds able to reduce their scouts to bones. As such they keep their focus on taking Redridge, meaning they constantly assail Shelter City which they especially hate as that settlement has a large population of orcs. They see themselves as still fighting the Last War and hate all non-affiliated orcs for being deserts and dishonourable, referring to them as gladium.