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Image of Wollveren
Gender Male
Race Worgen
Level 1337
Class Death Knight
Affiliation(s) Gilneas
Occupation Worgen Death Knight of the Alliance
Location [1]
Status Alive
Alignment Chaotic Good

Wollveren one of the first Death Knights to become freed by the Lich King's grasp, was before in the form of an Orc... Originally he being in his most previous form, a Gilnean human Paladin, he eventually fell in battle while visiting the Ghostlands. He was then after resurrected by Arthas (the Lich King), and soul placed in the Body of an Orc, and re-named "Radrok", meaning unknown. After finnaly defeating the Lich King, and claiming his revenge, he became an Exalted member of The Ashen Verdict, and the Knights of the Ebon Blade, and became one of the most honored and powerful Death Knights in Azeroth. Wollveren, wishing to return to the Alliance, and be a Gilnean Human once again, he sought and found help within powerful Mages. Them being the 3 Magus of the lands (a hidden band of 3 powerful exiled mages) promised to help place his soul within his previous body (was hidden and Frozen away in Acherus) if he in return would be able to tame a proto-drake to prove his worth to the Mages. Wollveren accepted this quest and embarked on a journey to find a great Drake for himself, later finding a Red proto-drake. Later Wollveren's request was fulfilled and was back in the body of his Gilnean human form, and returned back to Gilneas (being a difficult task, later accepted to enter through the Gates). Months later, the outbreak of the Worgens happened, the streets of Gilneas were treacherous, and in the midst of sending a certain package to a human, he was bitten by a Worgen and slowly began to gain the form of one... He eventually was successful in escaping Gilneas with the night elves and found refuge amongst the Alliance. In rage and anger of losing his lands once again, he went out on an adventure to help save Azeroth from the colossal dragon Deathwing and hopefully one day return to Gilneas.


Learning in the arts of a the Blood Knight

Blood Knight Crest,  [Blood Knight Tabard]

In Wollveren's most basic form, a Gilnean Human, he was interested in the ways of a Paladin, but unfortunately with litttle or no Paladins left within Gilneas, this seemed to cause a problem for him.