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(All of which are on the US-Bloodscalp server)

1.My main is a level 80 unholy death knight by the name of Zillen. Used to tank every now and then to get to the front of the dungeon queue, but looking to focus on DPS spec now.

2.My secondary character is a Troll Druid named Zilere (I know, not much creativity, but who gives really?) He is currently levelling up as quickly as possible, while also increasing his professions of Herbalism and Alchemy.

3.My last character is an Undead Warlock named Tordis (Worst name ever, I know) who I play when I am very bored with my other two. He's something of a reserve for me. Whenever my other two need money, I go on him, do a couple of quests, then sell all his clothes and worldly possessions and give all the gold to the Z's.

Zillen's personal goals for 2011

This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

1. Go and beat up Mankrik till he gives me free Illustrious Grand Master Blacksmithing

2. Kill Gamon and loot [The Lich King's Secret Schematics]

3. Use Blacksmithing profession to create one (1) [Frostmourne]

4. Use [Frostmourne] to kill Hellscream and become new Warchief of the Horde.

...Piece of cake.

Best Raid Evar

It is my personal opinion that Sunwell Plateau was the best raid that Blizzard ever invented. It had tons of good BC lore, an epic finish, and some of the best and most difficult boss fights ever made. It required real teamwork and a working brain, something which will hopefully return as a necessary component in completing some of the instances in Cataclysm. I've got a full argument as to why it was the Best Raid Evar somewhere in the WoW forums at (

My Expansion Ideas

I have several expansion ideas which I have worked on for a while. Read them if you dare.

The Ashen Depths by Zillen.

Night of the Dream by Zillen.

My Templates

INV Misc Coin 11.png This user plays on the US Bloodscalp server.
Achievement level 80.png This user has reached level 80.
(Prior to the level squish)
MaleIcon.jpg This user plays as a male character.
IconSmall BloodElf Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes deathknight.png
This user plays as a blood elf death knight.
IconSmall Undead Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes warlock.png
This user plays as an undead warlock.
IconSmall Troll Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes druid.png
This user plays as a troll druid.
Scryers Tabard.jpg This user's character joined the Scryers.
Inv misc book 07.png This user has a strong interest in articles on lore.
Ability parry.png This user's playing varies between casual and dedicated.
Inv misc head dragon black.png This user prefers to PvE.
AlchemyBlacksmithingEnchantingEngineeringLeatherworkingTailoring This user has played with almost all professions, just missing Inscription. HerbalismMiningSkinningJewelcraftingCookingFishing
Inv misc head dragon blue.png This user prefers to raid.
Inv sword 46.png This user plays as a DPS.
Spell holy renew.png This user plays as a Healer.
Ability parry.png This user spent 1000 gold A LOT for Dual Talent Specialization.
Achievement boss nefarion.png This user's character has cleared Blackwing Lair.
Achievement boss cthun.png This user's character has cleared the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.
Achievement boss hakkar.png This user's character has cleared the original Zul'Gurub raid.
Achievement boss prince malchezaar.png This user's character has cleared Karazhan.
Achievement boss magtheridon.png This user's character has cleared Magtheridon's Lair.
Achievement boss ladyvashj.png This user's character has cleared Serpentshrine Cavern.
Achievement boss kael'thassunstrider 01.png This user's character has cleared The Eye.
Achievement boss archimonde.png This user's character has cleared the Battle for Mount Hyjal.
Inv weapon glave 01.png
This user plans to kill Illidan!
(after the next expansion)
Achievement boss kiljaedan.png This user's character has cleared the Sunwell Plateau.
Achievement dungeon coablackdragonflight.png This user's character has cleared the 10-man Obsidian Sanctum.
Achievement dungeon coablackdragonflight 10man.png This user's character has cleared the 25-man Obsidian Sanctum.
Achievement dungeon nexusraid.png This user's character has cleared the 10-man Eye of Eternity.
Achievement boss onyxia.png This user's character has cleared the newly revamped Onyxia..
Achievement reputation argentchampion.png This user's character has cleared 10-man Trial of the Crusader.
Achievement reputation argentchampion.png This user's character has cleared 25-man Trial of the Crusader.
INV Shield 48.png Zillen has earned the title
of the Shattered Sun.
Ability Mount KotoBrewfest.png This usher'sh character hash obtained a Brewfesht Kodo ...hic!
Achievement Boss KelThuzad 01.png This user is the proud owner of a Lil' K.T..
Inv misc bone 01.png This user pugged with 100 different PuGs to get their hands on a Perky Pug.
INV SummerFest Symbol Low.png Zillen has earned the title
Flame Keeper.
Achievement zone outland 01.png This user has explored all of Outland.
Achievement zone northrend 01.png This user has explored all of Northrend.
Inv helmet 66.png This user is a Bloodsail Buccaneer and has obtained the [Bloodsail Admiral's Hat].
WrathLogo.png This user joined during Wrath of the Lich King.
HeroPDeathWingWC2.gif This user wondered wherever Deathwing had gone... and now we know!
Fanfiction This user writes fan fiction.
Darkspear Troll Banner small.png This user helped the Darkspear trolls reclaim the Echo Isles.
Firefox Logo.svg This user uses Mozilla Firefox to browse Warcraft Wiki.
IElogo.svg This user uses Internet Explorer to browse Warcraft Wiki despite it being EOL!
Flat lands This user enjoys exploring the less visited areas on Azeroth.