User:VraulJawrip/Rose Silverleaf

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NeutralRose Silverleaf
Image of Rose Silverleaf
Title Co-Leader of an Argent Crusade Regiment
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 80 Elite
Class Priest
Affiliation(s) Argent Crusade
Occupation Crusader of the Argent Crusade
Location Traveler
Status Alive
Relative(s) Tyrada, Lina, and Azuli (daughters)
Student(s) Gearer, Vilgaz, etc.
Alignment Chaotic Neutral

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Rose Silverleaf is a Crusader of the Argent Crusade. She serves Aldarion Desiderius to the letter, and is a very well known leader of many events with the organization. It is believed that she is somehow related to Aldarion. Her daughters are Tyrada, Lina, and Azuli.

Rose Silverleaf AV.jpg


After the group of her, Irulon, and Aldarion had seperated, contact to Rose Silverleaf was lost and she was presumed missing. However, it was found out that she hangs around the popular cities of Azeroth, such as Dalaran and Silvermoon City as an adventurer. Devoid of factions, she pursues her own conquests these days, as her children had all grown up by the time the cataclysm shook the world.


This page was created at the request of a friend.