User:VraulJawrip/Doomlord Gearakhallah

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Image of Gearakhallah
Title <Doomlord>
Race Eredar (Demon)
Level ?? (Boss)
Class Necromancer
Affiliation(s) Unknown
Occupation Keeping Lord Aldarion locked away in an unknown realm.
Location Unknown
Status Alive
Relative(s) Kil'jaeden (father)

Gearakhallah is the secret identity of Gearer. Gearakhallah is the one responsible for Lord Aldarion's disappearance. Gearakhallah has gotten tired of being made fun of, and has trapped Lord Aldarion in a hidden realm, both of their locations unknown. Troops of all factions, Alliance, Horde, and any smaller factions, such as the Ashtongue Deathsworn and the Argent Dawn are searching everywhere for Gearakhallah. They know his power, and seek to slay him and return Aldarion to safety.

It is unknown how he escaped the boar.