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Warcraft Wiki icon stamp.png This user is addicted to Warcraft Wiki.
Firefox Logo.svg This user uses Mozilla Firefox to browse Warcraft Wiki.
World of Warcraft
Achievement level 80.png This user has reached level 80.
(Prior to the level squish)
Mini Chuck.png "Where is Mankrik's wife?"
This user survived Barrens Chat.
Achievement boss edwinvancleef.png This user's character has cleared the original version of the Deadmines.
Dark Portal Active.jpg This user's character has ventured through the Dark Portal!
FemaleIcon.jpgMaleIcon.jpg This user plays both female and male characters.
Alliance This user plays as a member of the Alliance.
Spell deathknight classicon.png This user has created a death knight.
Inv misc head dragon black.png This user prefers to PvE.
Ability parry.png This user is dedicated, but not hardcore.
Ability Mount RidingHorse.png This user likes to mix and match his/her race with other race's mounts.
INV Mace 38.png OMG this user's character has found hunter loot.
Rouge = Red This user can spell Rogue Rogue.
Draenei Icon.jpg This user gets lost spelling draenei. It's I before E except after A.
Lurky.png This user is an avid pet collector.
Icebreaker model.png This user misses the boat by a few seconds every damn time.
Zeppelin model.png This user misses the zeppelin by a few seconds every damn time.
Ability Creature Cursed 05.png This user would like Necromancer to be a playable class.
INV Axe 09.png This user would like Barbarian to be a playable class.
Timbermaw Ally art.jpg This user would like the Furbolg to be a playable race.
Pandaren Squared.JPG This user wanted Pandaren to be a playable race, and their wish came true!
Ability Hunter BeastTaming.png This user wants hunters to have the ability to tame mounts.


Hi, my name on this is Thepiesflyinghigh, however I am more commonly known on other wikis (such as the Call of Duty Wiki) as Smuff. Sadly, I no longer play the game and am in it for the ride, as I find the changes with Cataclysm rather odd. However, I will still try to find grammar/spelling mistakes. Please forgive me for calling myself Smuff on this, it helps me keep up an image. Thanks!

My items

Inv misc questionmark.png User:Thepiesflyinghigh/God Inv mace 01.png [Martin Thunder]
Inv misc questionmark.png User:Thepiesflyinghigh/The_Cheese_Gun