User:TheLongConn/Khep'seti Wilds

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NeutralKhepseti Wilds
Underrot loading screen.jpg
Location Azjol'Nerub
PvP status Contested territory
This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

“Haunting, surreal, and a cartographer's worst nightmare. Nothing makes sense. I can't tell where the mold ends and the bugs begin.”

Chief Cartographer Ironbell

“The city of Khepset once fed all of Azjol-Nerub, delivering shipments of fungus and insect flesh to every corner of the kingdom. These were harvested from the mycelial wilds at the farthest edges of civilization, but in the wake of the kingdom's fall, it is now the city that is being consumed.”

The Khepseti Wilds are a zone in World of Warcraft: Necropolis. In the golden age of Azjol-Nerub, the city of Khepset would provide sustenance for the entire kingdom, culled from the fungal wilderness at the edge of civilization. Since its ruin, the roles have been reversed, and now Khepset is being slowly devoured by the wilds it once ravaged.

Once called the "City of Gluttons", Khepset's infrastructure was designed for a single, absolute purpose; sating the endless hunger of Azjol-Nerub. Countless beasts fell prey to the web labyrinths along the city's edge, their meat supplemented by mold farms, worm-spawning pits, and gardens of agricultural research. As the empire's appetite grew, so did Khepset's power and influence, drawing the ire of the Pale Court, Azjol-Nerub's judicial system. Their inquisitors chased grotesque rumors of the nobility's decadent feasts, which had, over time, grown more elaborate, eccentric, and... sentient.

While some were drawn to the feasting, others were drawn to isolation. The fungal wilds beyond the city were murky, disorienting, and filled with vicious arthropods, but ultimately beyond the reach of the Pale Court. To those scientists whose research broke the laws of the monarchy, the mold protected their illegal experiments. To cultists who were lured back into the fold of the Old Gods, the wilderness veiled their black temples.

The future of the Khepseti Wilds is uncertain. The Anthera have built their cities of chitin and carapace within the jungles, linked through a cycle of pilgrimage. The descendants of Khepset's nobility sit within their high towers, succumbing to ancient hungers. All the while, the Hivemind continues to whisper amongst ruined idols to Yogg-Saron, calling to its wayward children.


“The fungal wilds hold more than beasts. They were once a haven of the apostate scientists, who felt crushed under the monarchy's laws. Many secret laboratories can be found beyond the edges of Khep'set.”

Remembrant Thoth

“I don't want to know what kind of research would spook a nerubian. You there! Pack more guns.”

Chief Cartographer Ironbell



The Khepseti wilds shatter the delusion that the underworld is nothing but darkness and cold, barren stone. These jungles are flush with life, however alien it may appear to surface-dwellers. Billions of insectile legs skitter through tangles of mold and algae, while the air is thick with beating wings and glowing spores. Gasbags inflate and deflate like enormous lungs. Life has spiraled out of control and twisted in on itself; many creatures here blur the line between animal, plant, and fungus. To add to this confusing mess, bioluminescence is ever-present within the wilds. Kaleidoscopic colors pulse in patterns that change throughout the day, and can even be used to mark the passage of time.

In the east, the elaborate city of Khepset has surrendered to the ecology it once pillaged. Webs of mold hang over empty streets and farms are flooded and overgrown with rot. The web-traps are glutted with empty insect shells and arcane-tainted life spirals out of the once-esteemed arboretums. The spires of the old lords rise out of fungal murk, clinging to some semblance of their glory. There's a somber beauty to the city's prolonged destruction, as all manner of life revels in its decay.

Within the murky depths of the wilds, solid stone is a rarity. Built on eons of decay, the foundation of the entire region is made of ancient fossils and cast-off insect shells, held together by mold. Even here, civilization can be found. Khepri settlements, built from chitin and carapace, are hidden in the murk, connected by nameless trails and pilgrimages.


  • Ohmshell:
  • Silentstone Monastery: The reptilian Sobek have a rich history of asceticism and contemplative practice. They meditate in the dark emptiness of their cavernous home, and through study and training, warriors can learn to harness this inner emptiness in battle.


  • "Hollownest"
  • "Glutton's Keep"


  • [Placeholder]:


Herb: ***
