User:TheKaldorei1/Prince Arthas Menethil

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"Gul'dan! I will hunt you down to the end of the earth to kill you for justice!."
—Arthas as he see's Gul'dan during the battle for Corin's Crossing.
AllianceArthas Menethil
Image of Arthas Menethil
Title Prince of Lordaeron
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Paladin Paladin
Affiliation(s) Alliance
Former affiliation(s) Alliance of Lordaeron
Kingdom of Lordaeron
Silver Hand
Occupation Prince of Lordaeron
Location Stratholme
Status Alive
Relative(s) Terenas Menethil II (father), Lianne Menethil (mother), Calia Menethil (sister), Uther the Lightbringer (adoptive uncle)
Mentor(s) Uther the Lightbringer, Muradin Bronzebeard
Companion(s) Invincible (steed)


Prince Arthas Menethil was born to King Terenas Menethil II and Queen Lianne Menethil, four years before the start of the First War. The young prince grew up in a time when the lands of Azeroth were ravaged by war, the Alliance was crumbling, and darker clouds still loomed on the horizon. As a young child, he became friends with Varian Wrynn and watched as his future steed, Invincible, grow up.

As a youth, Arthas was trained in combat by Muradin Bronzebeard, the brother of the dwarven king Magni Bronzebeard, and became an adept swordsman. Under the tutelage of Uther the Lightbringer, Arthas was inducted into the Knights of the Silver Hand at the young age of 19. The ceremony was held in the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind City, and it was then that Arthas was given the holy mace called  [Light's Vengeance]. While in Stormwind, Arthas visited the recently-born Anduin Wrynn who gripped his finger.

Arthas had met the youngest daughter of Daelin Proudmoore, the sorceress Jaina during his youth but their relationship grew close as friends, and then romantically years later. They were very much in love with one another. Arthas once stayed in Dalaran only to be with Jaina. At that moment, Antonidas organized a banquet for Arthas and Kael'thas who also happened to be there at the same time as Arthas. During the banquet, Arthas and Antonidas spoke about the situation of orcs, Terenas, and about Stormwind and young Anduin. Kael was also fond of Jaina caught Arthas and Jaina together under an arch as they were kissing which angered him out of jealosy.

Later on, Arthas invited Jaina to Lordaeron to celebrate two festivals and during this time Arthas revealed that he is courting Jaina to the public. Eventually, however, Arthas began to question whether the two of them were ready to be together. Arthas abruptly ended the relationship so Jaina could focus on her magical studies in Dalaran and Arthas could focus on his commitments to Lordaeron. Shortly after the siege of Stratholme, he enlisted the High Elven remnants to retake their fallen Homeland from the Legion.

He held the position as one of the four jurors during the court of Tirion Fordring in Stratholme.


Arthas was a man of action - brave, impulsive and straightforward. He was an inspiring leader, leading his men by example. In conversations with other characters, he appeared witty and easy-going, yet able to hold true to his decisions and make others accept them.