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Old Strat SB.jpg
Alonsus Chapel
Races HumanHuman Human
IconSmall Abomination.gif Ogre Abomination
IconSmall Skeleton.gif Undead
High elfHigh elf High elf
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
Ruler(s) IconSmall Arthas.gif Prince Arthas Menethil
Location Greenwood, Eastern Lordaeron
Old Stratholme.
Old Stratholme.
Stratholme in Warcraft III.
Stratholme burning from Gul'dans Scourge.

The city of Stratholme (pronounced ˈstrathːhɔlm[1]) was the northernmost and second most populous city of the kingdom of Lordaeron, and is the city where the Order of the Silver Hand was founded.


The Second War

Stratholme was the second largest human city in Lordaeron, matched only by the capital. At the beginning of the Second War, Stratholme, specifically the Alonsus Chapel, was the location where the Archbishop Alonsus Faol founded the holy Order of the Knights of the Silver Hand, and indoctrinated its first five members, including Uther the Lightbringer and Saidan Dathrohan.

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The original Stratholme was a port town built on the northeast edge of Darrowmere Lake. Stratholme was the chief source of Alliance oil in the north. During the Second War, it was preparing to deliver massive amounts of Oil to the kingdoms in western Lordaeron. Gul'dan and his Legion invaded Stratholme and took the West side for the Burning Legion.

Of Blood and Honor

Stratholme was apparently rebuilt in landlocked northern Lordaeron after the Second War. The city included many well known buildings, from the glorious keep to Fras Siabi's famous tobacco shop.

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The city was also where the one of the original paladins, Tirion Fordring, was tried for treason against the Alliance for defending the orc Eitrigg. The trial was conducted by Uther the Lightbringer himself and overseen by various leaders of the Alliance. Tirion was found guilty, stripped of his powers (unsuccessfully), and was exiled from the Alliance lands.


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In its glory days, it housed nearly 25,000 people,[2]
