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This article is a player character biography page for ThatsHot of Stormrage US created by Thatshot.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.
Please make sure player character articles are named properly - see the player character articles policy.

Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank
ThatsHot Alliance Stormrage US IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Druid Druid 70 Drunken Parrot Guild Leader
MargaritaSun Alliance Stormrage US IconSmall Draenei Female.gif Mage Mage 70 Drunken Parrot Occifer
Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank


I began playing WoW with my husband way back when it first came out. We levelled to about the 20s and decided to re-roll with different classes. We hit a roadblock when the Horde kept killing our NPCs in Astranaar, plus our friends stopped playing, and we gradually lost interest. We took about a year and a half off and came back right before Burning Crusade came out. We're totally hooked now, have a really great guild and definitely don't take the game too seriously. Can't wait for WOTLK!

<Drunken Parrot> Stormrage, Alliance, US

Drunken Parrot Website

Drunken Parrot Wiki Page

BTW: It's That's Hot (not That Shot)! Resto Druid (HoT's - get it?)


Inv crown 15.png This user's character is a Guild Master.
INV Misc Foot Centaur.png This user's character has obtained a Talbuk mount.
Ability Hunter Pet NetherRay.png This user's character has obtained a Nether Ray mount.
Ability Mount NetherdrakePurple.png This user's character has obtained a Nether drake mount.

Wrath-Icon.png This user participated in the Wrath of the Lich King beta.
BlizzCon This user attended BlizzCon.
NetherWhelp.png This user plays on the Collector's Edition of Burning Crusade.

Lurky.png This user is an avid pet collector.
Murloc.png This user is murloc.
MurlocRaneman.jpg This user would like Murloc to be a playable race.
MurlocRaneman.jpg This user wants to Save the Murlocs!

Inv misc apexis crystal.png This user is exalted with
Achievement boss edwinvancleef.png This user's character has cleared the original version of the Deadmines.
Inv misc bag cenarionherbbag.png This user prefers a casual playing style and is not hardcore.
Inv misc head dragon black.png This user prefers to PvE.

