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This article is a player character biography page for Dhalgar of Moon Guard US

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Dhalgar Ebonfist
Faction Alliance
Gender Male
Level 63
Race Human
Class Death Knight
Talent Spec Blood
Professions None


Dhalgar Ebonfist used to be named Jonathan Finley. His father, Gerald Finley, was a prominent farmer in Lordaeron where his family lived. His mother, Cynthia Finley, was a medic and rarely ever home. When Dhalgar was only 7 years old, news returned to his family that Cynthia was killed by trolls. Gerald plunged into depression and went mad. When Dhalgar was 13, his father ran away as a result of his being driven mad. Dhalgar was as a result orphaned and was scared. He was wandering the countryside one day when he found a pair of rusty daggers. He was reminded of the pain he had endured when the trolls murdered his mother, so he made makeshift sheaths and wandered some more. He then wandered into a small Alliance village. A rogue mistook him for one of his kinsmen, so he asked Dhalgar to do him a favor and rob the local tavern. He obeyed and shared the loot between him and the rogue. The rogue's name was Andrew, though that was possibly his cover name. Dhalgar went on and trained in the ways of the rogue.

Dhalgar was then sent to Eastern Lordaeron by his new mentor, Andrew, to attempt to rob the tavern of a small village in which the name has been lost in history. As he proceeded with his heist, the town came under attack by undead. Everyone panicked and Dhalgar didn't relent. He foolishly charged into battle with the undead, only to be slaughtered. The attack was headed by necromancer Kel'thuzad.


Dhalgar tends to be very elusive. His past as a rogue seems to have aided him in his evasion from even his peers. However, people who know him report him as wearing a rogue-esque mask wielding a mace and an axe.