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HordeVectarius Blake
Image of Vectarius Blake
Gender Male
Race Undead
Class Death Knight
Affiliation(s) The Forsaken
Knights of the Ebon Blade
Location Tirisfal Glades

Vectarius Blake (a.k.a. "Vectar") is a Death Knight who was once a captain for the Alliance military. Taken during a skirmish made by the Scourge on Valiance Keep in Northrend, the Lich King saw potential in him and raised him in undeath.

Vectar had no love for the Alliance, convinced it had failed and that the new King of Stormwind was not fit for his throne. Upon liberation from the Scourge, all who he approached dismissed him and turned away; The straw that broke the camel's back. He sought out the Forsaken who were all too happy to accept him thus making him a member of the Horde and an enemy of the Alliance.


Vectar's body has been ravaged by events prior to his raising and many bloody battles: His dead flesh is ripped horribly, bone is exposed in many places and his lower jaw has completely detached; It's current location is unknown.

He possesses the cold, blue-glowing eyes and dark, grating voice associated with Death Knights.

Despite his lack of a lower jaw and tongue, he can speak perfectly. It is thought that the necromantic powers that flow through him allow him to do this however, this is just a theory.