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AllianceCedrinn Dustwhistle
Image of Cedrinn Dustwhistle
Gender Male
Race Worgen
Class Warrior
Affiliation(s) Gilneas
Location Stormwind
Status Alive

Cedrinn is a human from Gilneas afflicted by the Worgen Curse and a lucky survivor of the Forsaken onslaught. He now does freelance work for the Alliance.

Cedrinn wields the battleaxe, 'Dragoncleave' which he inhertited from a dying orc warrior.


Cedrinn was the son of a successful businessman who ran an industrial empire. His father, Graham Dustwhistle, moved from Stormwind to Gilneas not long after the Alliance of Lordaeron had been formed. Graham slowly started to get his business moving, selling general goods boasting the "best deals anywhere". As he got wealthier, Graham started buying-out small stores and then started buying factories. He even bought a weapons manufacturer which made him very popular with the Gilnean nobility.

Cedrinn had no love for the nobles instead seeing most of them as arrogant fools. He started taking up more militaristic hobbies: sword fighting, shooting, hunting, weapons training and weapons crafting. Once the worgen attacks began and the Gilnean military had mobilised, Cedrinn saw a chance to prove himself. He joined them unofficially and was instrumental in keeping the citizens of Gilneas safe as they were being evactuated.

View on the Worgen Curse

Cedrinn mainly views the curse as useful; enhanced senses and increased strength and agility boost his fighting skill tremendously. However, he has quite a temper and can easily get angry. He fears that he could lose control of his anger and, while in his worgen form, hurt or even kill someone dear to him.