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The below color values are populated in the RAID_CLASS_COLORS table in SharedXML/ColorUtil and returned from C_ClassColor.GetClassColor() and defined in ChrClasses.db2

Class RGB
Description elvui
Death Knight 196 30 58 0.77 0.12 0.23 #C41E3A RedNote: Closely matches the "red link" color on Wowpedia for missing pages.
Demon Hunter 163 48 201 0.64 0.19 0.79 #A330C9 Dark Magenta
Druid 255 124 10 1.00 0.49 0.04 #FF7C0A Orange
Hunter 170 211 114 0.67 0.83 0.45 #AAD372 Green #80995e
Mage 63 199 235 0.25 0.78 0.92 #3FC7EB Light Blue #4193a9
Monk 0 255 152 0.00 1.00 0.60 #00FF98 Spring Green
Paladin 244 140 186 0.96 0.55 0.73 #F48CBA Pink
Priest 255 255 255 1.00 1.00 1.00 #FFFFFF WhiteNote: The color shown is adjusted on Wowpedia for different skins.
Rogue 255 244 104 1.00 0.96 0.41 #FFF468 YellowNote: The color shown is adjusted on Wowpedia for different skins.
Shaman 0 112 221 0.00 0.44 0.87 #0070DD Blue
Warlock 135 136 238 0.53 0.53 0.93 #8788EE Purple
Warrior 198 155 109 0.78 0.61 0.43 #C69B6D Tan


Since ColorMixin converts[1] to hex without rounding in patch 8.1.5, the colorStr field is slightly off[2]

for k, v in pairs(RAID_CLASS_COLORS) do
	print(v.r, v.g, v.b)
	local R, G, B = Round(v.r*255), Round(v.g*255), Round(v.b*255)
	print(R, G, B)

	print(v.colorStr:sub(3):upper()) -- colorStr
	print(format("%02X%02X%02X", R, G, B)) -- fixed
	print(" ")
0.76862573623657, 0.11764679849148, 0.2274504750967
196, 30, 58
"C41F3B" (pre801)
"C31D39" (colorStr)
"C41E3A" (fixed)

0.63921427726746, 0.1882348805666, 0.78823357820511
163, 48, 201
"A330C9" (pre801)
"A22FC8" (colorStr)
"A330C9" (fixed)

0.99999779462814, 0.48627343773842, 0.039215601980686
255, 124, 10
"FF7D0A" (pre801)
"FE7B09" (colorStr)
"FF7C0A" (fixed)

0.66666519641876, 0.82744914293289, 0.44705784320831
170, 211, 114
"ABD473" (pre801)
"A9D271" (colorStr)
"AAD372" (fixed)

0.24705828726292, 0.78039044141769, 0.92156660556793
63, 199, 235
"3FC7EB" (pre801)
"3EC6EA" (colorStr)
"3FC7EB" (fixed)

0, 0.99999779462814, 0.59607714414597
0, 255, 152
"00FF96" (pre801)
"00FE97" (colorStr)
"00FF98" (fixed)

0.95686066150665, 0.54901838302612, 0.72941017150879
244, 140, 186
"F58CBA" (pre801)
"F38BB9" (colorStr)
"F48CBA" (fixed)

0.99999779462814, 0.99999779462814, 0.99999779462814
255, 255, 255
"FFFFFF" (pre801)
"FEFEFE" (colorStr)
"FFFFFF" (fixed)

0.99999779462814, 0.95686066150665, 0.40784224867821
255, 244, 104
"FFF569" (pre801)
"FEF367" (colorStr)
"FFF468" (fixed)

0, 0.4392147064209, 0.86666476726532
0, 112, 221
"0070DE" (pre801)
"006FDC" (colorStr)
"0070DD" (fixed)

0.52941060066223, 0.53333216905594, 0.93333131074905
135, 136, 238
"8788EE" (pre801)
"8687ED" (colorStr)
"8788EE" (fixed)

0.77646887302399, 0.60784178972244, 0.4274500310421
198, 155, 109
"C79C6E" (pre801)
"C59A6C" (colorStr)
"C69B6D" (fixed)

Patch changes

  • Shadowlands Patch 9.0.1 (2020-10-13): Moved to SharedXML\ColorUtil.lua[3]
  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.1.5 (2019-03-12): Added C_ClassColor.GetClassColor() which returns more precise normalized (0.0-1.0) values. [4]
  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Defined as ColorMixins. [5]
  • Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): RAID_CLASS_COLORS moved to FrameXML/Util.lua, Mage changed from 69CCF0 to 40C7EB, and Warlock changed from 9482C9 to 8787ED.[6]
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.2.2 (2009-09-22): RAID_CLASS_COLORS added in FrameXML/Constants.lua, and Shaman changed from 2459FF to 0070DE.[7]
  • Bc icon.gif Patch 2.0.1 (2006-12-05): Shaman changed from F58CBA to 2459FF.[8]
    Shaman was same color as Paladin while neither faction could play both classes.

On Wowpedia

Class colors are defined in Wowpedia's CSS; they can be used on Wowpedia pages via <span> </span> tags, in the format:

<span class="cc-classname">text you want class-colored</span>

where classname is the class name with no spaces or capitals (e.g., cc-deathknight or cc-paladin).

It may be easier to use the {{text}} template instead of hard-coding spans: {{text|<monk>|<Monk>}} --> Monk
