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Ra'zunesh, also known as the De Other Side, is the name of an infinite plane that is located within the Shadowlands and is home to the Loas. Ruled by Bwonsamdi, Ra'zunesh has always been a realm of its own and has a physical entrance in Ardenweald. For countless eons, Bwonsamdi had been bringing in the souls of trolls, sethrak, and other beings, who had worshiped him or the other Loas, into his realm. Despite the Loas living here before life was created, the realm of Ra'zunesh has always been kept under Bwonsamdi, who guards alone and Bwonsamdi guards spirits well, if a life ends and Bwonsamdi is that someone's friend, then that spirit Bwonsamdi will surely guide. Brokers are not permitted to visit and are generally not accepted as trade partners according to members of Cartel Ta, but Bwonsamdi has made at least one exception.

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Bwonsamdi has kept Ra'zunesh in the Shadowlands he refers to as De Other Side. When the dead started funneling into the Maw, Bwonsamdi hid several in his little domain, keeping his troll followers safe. But this broke an old deal with Mueh'zala and now the ancient loa has come to harvest those souls and destroy their caretaker. Bwonsamdi will need help collecting on some of his other dealings if he is to survive this onslaught and protect the souls within.


According to ancient history, Ra'zunesh was the eternal plane that was located within the Shadowlands and had been the very place of where the Loa had lived. Before Bwonsamdi came to rule Ra'zunesh, this realm was once ruled by Mueh'zala until his followers turned against him, fearful of the sacrifices and blood he demanded, and over time he was forgotten by most, while Bwonsamdi became the primary loa of death.


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