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Gender Female
Race(s) Kyrian (formerly Vrykul) (Humanoid)
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kyrian Covenant
Status Active

Hymnal was a Vrykul warrior who sacrificed her life to save her people.



Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

Rather than being accepted into Halls of Valor, Hymnal was brought by the kyrian to the realm of Bastion, one of the infinite realms within the Shadowlands. After being personally welcomed by the Kyrestia the Firstborne, informing her that her selflessness in life had earned her the opportunity to shed her mortal burdens and train to become a Kyrian Ascended, in which her purpose was to ferry the souls to the Shadowlands. Hymnal accepted her new purpose, and as one of the most purest souls, she was born reborn by taking the physical form of a Kyrian, but keeping her original appearance as to what she was like in life.

Chains of Domination



I am Hymnal. Ascended of the Crucible. It is my call to ensure that all newly arrived souls find their way on the journey to becoming an Aspirant.

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