User:Spenpiano/Delia Verana

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HordeDelia Verana
Image of Delia Verana
Gender Female
Race Venthyr (Humanoid)
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Court of Harvesters, Horde
Former affiliation(s) Defias Brotherhood
Location Sanctuary of the Mad, Revendreth
Status Alive

Delia is a venthyr located in the Sanctuary of the Mad in Revendreth.


Early Life

Before becoming a Forsaken, Delia Verana was once a criminal associated with the Defias Brotherhood and commited a lot of crimes, espically a few that were very sinful. She later settled in the Hillsbrad Foothills and had continued to commit crimes that she never really enjoyed until she was killed and then raised as one of the Forsaken to be bound to Sylvanas Windrunner.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Delia as a Forsaken

During the time of when the Burning Legion made its return to Azeroth and invaded the world to eliminate all those that resisted, Delia still remained in Tarren Mill until she was killed during the Legion Invasions.


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

Her soul departed to the Shadowlands and was sent to Revendreth to atone for her sins she did before. After finding redemption and choosing to stay as Revendreth, Delia was reborn as a Venthyr and mainly stations herself inside the Sanctuary of the Mad.



You can always find refuge in the shadows.

Binder Make this inn your home.
Buy Let me browse your goods.

Patch changes

External links