User:Skulkerart/Sale'Sal the Frozen

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MobSale'Sal the Frozen
No image available
Title <The Last Lich>
Race Lich (Undead)
Level ?? Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Rimedark Bastion
Status Killable

Sale'Sal is the villianous Lich controlling Rimedark Bastion. He is very arrogant, considering himself the new Lich King, now that Arthas is dead. Sale'Sal is also very charismatic, using his sickly sweet voice and reassuring words to convert people to his ways of thinking. Sale'Sal's massive conscience allows him to control multiple enemies at once while directing his minions. Oddly, despite his being a Lich, Sale'Sal has some powers of nature (especially lightning). The cultists in the Bastion revere him as the Last Lich.

Abilities (Normal)

Phase 1

  • Frostbolt - A basic ice spell that deals around 26,000 frost damage.
  • Frostbolt Volley - An advanced form of Frostbolt that launches 5 bolts which each deal around 12,000 frost damage.
  • Frost Explosion - A huge, unavoidable AoE attack that freezes everyone in place for 5 seconds and deals around 10,000 frost damage. This resets the aggro table.
  • Sale'Sal's Blink - Sale'Sal blinks up to an unreachable terrace.
  • Sale'Sal's Minions - This is done in succession with his Blink spell. 20 Fetid Defenders are released and come to Sale'Sal's aid.
  • Ground Frost - A small but dangerous AoE that deals around 14,000 frost damage to all players within range and applies the Black Ice debuff, which stuns them all for 10 seconds.

Phase 2

  • Iceblast - A powerful ice spell that fires in a frontal cone for about 18,000 frost damage.
  • Sorrow's Shield - Drains 50% of all players total mana/rage/energy, and creates a huge shield with it. This shield will defend Sale'Sal until broken. The shield can withstand 800,000 damage. This interrupts all spells being cast.
  • Sale'Sal's Servants - Summons 10 Pallid Blightcallers to aid Sal'esal.
  • Sale'Sal's Bargain - Sale'Sal mind controls a random person (this is never used on the Tank). This person mind remains controlled for 20 seconds and they gain Sale'Sal's Gift buff, which doubles their attack damage, attack speed, movement speed. Furthermore, they recieve 8,000 damage when the mind control ends.
  • Sale'Sal's Decree- Medium-sized AoE that silences all players within range for 5 seconds.

Phase 3

  • Iceblast - A powerful ice spell that fires in a frontal cone for about 20,000 frost damage.
  • Glacial Shield - Sale'Sal summons a shield that lasts until broken. This shield can withstand up to 1,200,000 damage.
  • Blastwave - Sale'Sal releases a wave of lightning that deals roughly 9,000 to all nearby enemies and knocks them out of melee range.
  • Sale'Sal's Guardians - Sale'Sal calls forth 2 mighty Shock Brawlers to aid him.

Phase 4

  • Iceblast- A powerful ice spell that fires in a frontal cone for about 20,000 frost damage.
  • Frostbolt Volley - An advanced form of frostbolt that launches 5 bolts which each deal around 16,000 frost damage.
  • Sale'Sal's Blink - Sale'Sal blinks up to the terrace from Phase 1 and remains untouchable.
  • Sale'Sal's Curse - Sale'Sal curses all players with Curse of Sale'Sal. This DoT deals 2,000 damage every 20 seconds, cannot be dispelled, and lasts until Sale'Sal dies.
  • Sale'Sal's Minions - Sale'Sal releases 20 Fetid Defenders.
  • Sale'Sal's Servants - Sale'Sal summons 10 Pallid Blightcallers.
  • Sale'Sal's Guardians - Sale'Sal calls 2 Shock Brawlers.
  • Desperate Shield - Sale'Sal summons a shield that lasts until broken and can withstand 1,500,000 damage.

Abilities (Heroic)

Phase 1

  • Frostbolt - A basic ice spell that deals around 28,000 frost damage.
  • Frostbolt Volley - An advanced form of Frostbolt that launches 10 bolts which each deal around 14,000 frost damage.
  • Frost Explosion - A huge, unavoidable AoE attack that freezes everyone in place for 8 seconds and deals around 16,000 frost damage. This resets the aggro table.
  • Sale'Sal's Blink - Sale'Sal blinks up to an unreachable terrace.
  • Sale'Sal's Minions - This is done in succession with his Blink spell. 30 Fetid Defenders are released and come to Sale'Sal's aid.
  • Ground Frost - A small but dangerous AoE that deals around 16,000 frost damage to all players within range and applies the Black Ice debuff, which stuns them all for 20 seconds.

Phase 2

  • Iceblast - A powerful ice spell that fires in a frontal cone for about 22,000 frost damage.
  • Sorrow's Shield - Drains 75% of all players total mana/rage/energy, and creates a huge shield with it. This shield will defend Sale'Sal until broken. The shield can withstand 1,000,000 damage. This interrupts all spells being cast.
  • Sale'Sal's Servants - Summons 20 Pallid Blightcallers to aid Sal'esal.
  • Sale'Sal's Bargain - Sale'Sal mind controls 5 random people (this could be used on the Tank). These people's minds remain controlled for 20 seconds and they gain Sale'Sal's Gift buff, which doubles their attack damage, attack speed, movement speed. Furthermore, they recieve 10,000 damage when the mind control ends.
  • Sale'Sal's Decree - Medium-sized AoE that silences all players within range for 10 seconds.

Phase 3

  • Iceblast - A powerful ice spell that fires in a frontal cone for about 26,000 frost damage.
  • Glacial Shield - Sale'Sal summons a shield that lasts until broken. This shield can withstand up to 1,800,000 damage. When destroyed, it freezes all players in place for 10 sec.
  • Blastwave - Sale'Sal releases a wave of lightning that deals roughly 12,000 to all nearby enemies and knocks them out of melee range. This resets the aggro table.
  • Sale'Sal's Guardians - Sale'Sal calls forth 4 mighty Shock Brawlers to aid him.

Phase 4

  • Iceblast - A powerful ice spell that fires in a frontal cone for about 28,000
  • Frostbolt Volley - An advanced form of frostbolt that launches 10 bolts which each deal around 18,000 frost damage.
  • Sale'Sal's Blink - Sale'Sal blinks up to the terrace from Phase 1 and remains untouchable.
  • Sale'Sal's Curse - Sale'Sal curses all players with Curse of Sale'Sal. This DoT deals 3,000 damage every 15 seconds, cannot be dispelled, and lasts until Sale'Sal dies.
  • Sale'Sal's Minions - Sale'Sal releases 40 Fetid Defenders.
  • Sale'Sal's Servants - Sale'Sal summons 20 Pallid Blightcallers.
  • Sale'Sal's Guardians - Sale'Sal calls 4 Shock Brawlers.
  • Desperate Shield - Sale'Sal summons a shield that lasts until broken and can withstand 2,000,000 damage.


Sale'Sal is a fight for survival, he uses vicious DPS, multiple shields, and has a considerable number of allies. Sale'Sal sits waiting in front of your group on his terrace. He blinks down to meet you after his monologue ends and the fight begins. Items that restore casting power are a must, and anything that boosts frost resistance is useful also. If Shamans are in the raid, have them keep out a steady supply of Mana restoring totems. Note: Sale'Sal on Heroic is the same basic strategy as on Normal.

Phase 1

This Phase is quite simple really. Sale'Sal will only use Frostbolt until his health reaches 95%. Sale'Sal will then blink up to the terrace and begin casting Frostbolt Volley. 5 Fetid Defenders will come out of each of the 4 entrances in the room (one of them being the entrance you came in from), and will immediately engage your group. These are not a major threat, but need to be exterminated before Sale'Sal kills everyone from afar. This is where your AoE shines. Once all defenders are down, Sale'Sal will return to the party and use Frost Explosion. The tank needs to quickly reestablish aggro to help keep the casualties to a minimum. At 87% health, Sale'Sal begins to use Ground Frost. The stun is vicious and it is imperative that as few people as possible are caught in this. Once you have the Lich weakened to 75% health, Phase 2 initiates.

Phase 2

Phase 2 begins with Sale'Sal casting one of his most bothersome skills: Sorrow's Shield. Everyone should stop for a second to drink a potion or something, and Shamans should drop Mana Spring Totems or Mana Tide Totems. Even worse, Sale'sal now shoots Iceblast. Avoiding this spell greatly increases your survival chances. Slam on the debuffs to down the barrier ASAP. After Sale'Sal loses his shield, his Pallid Blightcallers rally with him. 5 enter from each of the gates on the left and right. These are highly susceptible to holy damage, but resist shadow. Don't assume Sale'Sal will just sit and watch the fight, however. The whole time the adds are being downed, Sale'Sal must still be kept under control. During this hectic portion it is recommended the raid split into 3 groups:

Group 1

Sale'Sal will be your main focus. Keep him facing away from the other groups so his Iceblast doesn't hit them as they are battling the adds.

Groups 2 & 3

Drop heavy AoE to eliminate the adds, much like you did in Phase 1. Also be sure none of the adds spill over to the other groups. Go to which ever group is in the most trouble once you are done. If everything is under control, help the other group finish adds.

Once the adds are cleared. Sale'Sal uses Sale'Sal's Bargain. Keep his slave CCed and heal them quickly once the buff ends. At 65% health he begins using Sale'Sal's Decree. This is really only a minor threat as he doesn't do it that often. At 60% health, Sale'Sal retries Sale'Sal's Bargain. Handle it the same way you did it the first time. At 50% health, Phase 3 initiates.

Phase 3

Phase 3 is a rather easy phase. Sale'Sal uses Iceblast still, but this is no problem if avoided. At 45% health, Sale'Sal throws up a Glacial Shield. This is really just a trifle. Stack debuffs like you did the first time, and his shield will eventually fall. Sale'Sal uses Blastwave now. This spell is annoying, but not deadly. Sale'Sal's Guardians enter from the gates in front of and behind you once his health hits 30%. Split up into 3 groups once again to eliminate the Brawlers.

Group 1

Once again, you are Sale'Sal's group. Sale'sal should be kept away from everyone else so that his Iceblast and Blastwave doesn't hit anyone while the Brawlers are being downed.

Groups 2 & 3

Keep the Brawlers occupied until they are downed. Debuffs are good here as the Brawlers have high armor. Once finished, help out anyone in trouble. If all is well, help with the other Brawler.

Once Sale'Sal drops to 25% health, the final Phase initiates.

Phase 4

You've worked this hard to earn the reward awaiting you. Myra the Redeemed (Originally Myra the Forgotten) enters to help you battle the Lich. This is a major boon to your group, as she uses many Holy spells and buffs your group heavily. Healers must keep an eye on Myra's health as well as the group's own. Sale'Sal blinks back up to his terrace and begins using Frostbolt Volley again. Fetid Defenders spawn again. These are handled the same way they are in Phase 1: AoE. The Pallid Blightcallers come next. Myra greatly helps against these, but be sure she doesn't take too much damage, as she has weak health. The Shock Brawlers return. These must be off-tanked again. However, without having to split the group up to hold Sale'Sal, this is much easier. Once he blinks down, Sale'Sal uses, you guessed it, another shield. Desperate Shield while not his most dangerous, is his strongest shield. After the shield is shattered (if Myra is alive, this process is greatly sped up) and Sale'Sal is down to 15% health, Sale'Sal's Curse is placed on the raid. This changes the fight from a survival thing to a DPS rush. Unload heavy debuffs and DoTs on him and wear him down with your best skills. Rogue's burst DPS is wonderful here. Once his Health reaches 0, Sale'Sal backs up, attempting to cast on last spell. The terrace falls and crushes him, leaving you to reap the benefits.


  • I never thought up any loot for Sale'Sal.
  • The first quote for Sorrow's Shield is a lyric from the Metallica Song "Harvester of Sorrow."



  • Sale'Sal: Who dares enter my domain?
  • Sale'Sal: I, who have survived even the Lich King himself!
  • Sale'Sal: You, and all your kind, will feel the true wrath of the Scourge now!

Blinking up to the Terrace:

  • Sale'Sal: Touch me now, worms!
  • Sale'Sal: A king should not be amongst maggots!


  • Sale'Sal: Minions, attend me!

Frost Explosion:

  • Sale'Sal: Where do you think you're going?
  • Sale'Sal: Did I say you could move?

Phase 2:

  • Sale'Sal: I grow tired of this...

Sorrow's Shield:

  • Sale'Sal: Anger... Misery... You'll suffer unto me!
  • Sale'Sal: I'm sure that was a very good spell you were about to cast...

Calling Servants:

  • Sale'Sal: Servants, smite the enemy with your magics!

Sale'Sal's Bargain:

  • Sale'Sal: Let's make a deal...
  • Sale'Sal: I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse...

Phase 3:

  • Sale'Sal: Now you will truly feel my frozen wrath!

Glacial Shield:

  • Sale'Sal: Even the glaciers protect me!
  • Sale'Sal: You cannot pass my wall of ice!

Summoning Guardians:

  • Sale'sal: I don't believe I've shown you my pets...

Phase 4:

  • Sale'Sal: This is the end for you all!
  • Myra: You've done enough Sale'Sal!
  • Sale'Sal: Myra, your treachery hardly surprises me...
  • Myra: Aid me, heroes, so that this evil may be erased.

Desperate Shield:

  • Sale'Sal: This is not even nearly over...


  • Sale'Sal: It cannot end this way... It will not end this way!
  • Sale'Sal: The Scourge will survive!
  • Sale'Sal backs up and begins chanting.
  • The terrace cracks and falls!
  • Myra: We have won the day, but I fear I must leave you all now.
  • Myra dies.

A player is killed:

  • Sale'Sal: Another soul is claimed...

The Raid is defeated:

  • Sale'sal: Did you feel my power, you insects?
  • Sale'Sal: I always win...