User:Skreeran52790/Skreeran III

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NeutralSkreeran III
Image of Skreeran III
Gender Male
Race Human
Level 60
Class Warrior
Location What is now the Ghostlands
Status Dead

Sergrahn, or Skreeran III, as he was called after, was tough from the very start. A hardy boy, he quickly learned to pull his own weight among the men of Strom. He was of darker skin than the rest of his lineage, but nonetheless, he had the natural magic affinity the all members of the Skreeran line possess, stronger, in fact, than any of his descendants, except for Serian II.

When the elves traveled to the Arathi lands to train new sorcerers among the humans, he met his half-elf uncle, Skreeran II. After asking permission of him, he took the name Skreeran III.

Taking up a two-handed axe in one hand, and a small spiked club in the other, he went to war agsint the trolls. Throughout the Troll wars, whatever company Skreeran III was a member of never routed, or lost a battle for that matter.

Skreeran III took for himself an elvish wife, Thalaria Lightwalker, and they settled in the land that is now the ghostlands.

His brother Serbry, became a ranger and fought in the Troll wars as well. Trolls would fall in all directions, confused as to what was happening, while Serbry rained arrows on them from the forest. Serbry went on to help found the town of Southshore. He was buried in the cave that became the Azurelode Mine.

Serbry's Picture