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This article is a player character biography page for Sensations of Azshara US

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Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank
Sensations Horde Azshara IconSmall Undead Female.gif Priest Priest 90 Thirty One Flavors N/A
Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank
Sensations in Dalaran during WotLK.

Sensations (known for a period as "Senslol" on Azshara US and "Pikasaurus" on Burning Legion US) is a female Undead (one time Troll) character on Azshara US played by American player Michael Lacore. He used to be the co-guild leader and raid leader of Thirty One Flavors. Prior to the creation of 31F, he had been a healer for Exodus during Ulduar. Prior to raiding with Exodus, Sensations was a healer for the controversial guild Bloodthirst.


Sensations began playing WoW in Vanilla on Stormrage US, leveling a Night Elf Hunter named Mannisary. After reaching level 34, the Naxxramas PTR became available where he tested different classes and specs to find out what he'd like to play the most. Upon release of The Burning Crusade, Sensations decided to level a Paladin named "Forces" on Feathermoon US. Once level 70, he started healing Karazhan and other raids with casual guilds. After realizing that Sensations had impressive skill playing a healer, he decided to apply to a guild that was progressing through Tempest Keep and Serpentshrine Cavern. Soon after, the guild made it's way into Mount Hyjal and Black Temple, where his Paladin became quite geared. After killing Illidan, he applied to Cynosure on Altar of Storms and server transferred over where he defeated M'uru pre-nerf 3.0, and Kil'jaeden post-nerf 3.0.

During the release of Wrath of The Lich King, Sensations decided to reroll a Rogue on Azshara US. Ultimately, he felt that he would be more useful as a healer, so eventually rerolled Priest. Sensations helped form Bloodthirst on Azshara US. Just as Ulduar was released, Bloodthirst was going through a merger with another guild, so Sensations applied to Exodus and was accepted. After racking up a few top US and world kills, Sensations had to take a break due to a required deployment for the U.S. Navy. Upon logging back in for the first time since the two week break, Sensations was kicked from the guild by Kripparian. Sensations felt that this was for the best, and returned to Azshara US to form Thirty One Flavors with the remaining members of the failed Bloodthirst merger. Sensations became the co-GM and raid leader and aimed for #1 server kills while recruiting very unskilled players and training them how to raid properly. This was a tedious and exhausting process, which kept Sensations and Thirty One Flavors at server 2nd or 3rd at best.

Sensations also invented and refined the famous Renew spec for Holy Priests when the Trial of the Grand Crusader patch hit, theorycrafting the stat weights and gear ilvl requirements needed to make the Renew spec viable (and incredibly competitive) compared to other healing specs for Priests.

Sensations has always had a "raging" mentality. For better or for worse, his attitude towards becoming a better player pushed himself and his guild-mates to perform at a higher level. While he may not be a very well liked player, his dedication and determination to striving for achievement will always be remembered.


Today, Sensations plays World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, and League of Legends at a casual level.
