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Geraldine, Provisioner


This article is a player character biography page for Geraldine of Eitrigg US created by Pittsburghmuggle.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.
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Image of Geraldine
Faction Alliance
Gender Female
Level 20
Race Human
Class Bank Alt
Realm Eitrigg US

What? Don't your bank alts have a background?

Geraldine is a Warrior, (like Pemberton), so I don't get tempted to level her. I did eventually get her up to 20 (She even finished the Deadmines!) so she could use mounts to get around town faster.

I imagine that she handles multiple adventurers accounts in Azeroth, it's just only my own that I'm aware of her dealing with.

I'm always for looking for more outfits to dress her in - chalk it up to being forced to play Barbies with my older sister. :)

My original bank wan a bald male warrior named "Bankyboy". I don't play female characters, but decided to make my bank one. Originally her name was "Chlamydiah", because of a comedy routine I heard about strange child names ("We've got to stop naming our kids with weird names. 'Her name is what? Chlamydia?''") Chlamydia is a venereal disease, and two years after naming her that evidently someone had a problem with that because I logged in one morning to be notified the name had to be changed. After a few tries, surprisingly "Geraldine" wasn't taken.

Character Background

Geraldine grew up in Stormwind, seeing adventurers come and go. She tried to do the same thing - even going to Westfall and helping deal with the Defias problem there, but she didn't really like it. She did, however, see the opportunity to handle adventurer's accounts in Stormwind while they were away. She set up her business and handles many, many adventurers accounts and transactions when they are off doing whatever the heck they are up to.

She likes the job, though she is often shaking her head at the strange things she gets in like three crates of fresh fish.

While she is not really a bad person or wishes this to happen, when an adventurer dies away from Stormwind and has no dependents, she keeps their profits for herself.