User:Pieman251/Archelas Wyrmfrost

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AllianceArchelas Wyrmfrost
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Title Grand Master of the Remnants of Lordaeron
Race Human (Undead)
Class Death Knight
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Alliance, Stormwind, Knights of the Ebon Blade, Remnants of Lordaeron
Former affiliation(s) Scourge, Death Knights of Acherus, Arthas Menethil
Occupation Leader of the Remnants of Lordaeron, Strategist to King Varian Wrynn, Overseer of the Ebon Blade, Former Royal Guard Captain of Lordaeron
Status Alive
Relative(s) Sara Brookes (wife), Calvin Brookes (son)

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Archelas Titus Wyrmfrost is the Grand Master of the Remnants of Lordaeron and a strategist to King Varian Wrynn.

Initially a Royal Guard Captain of Lordaeron, Archelas fell during the Third War, becoming one of Arthas' first Death Knights. During his time with the Scourge, Archelas became one of Arthas' close lieutenants, earning the title "The Lich King's Fist". He was eventually freed from the Lich King's control during the Battle for Light's Hope Chapel. After rejoining the Alliance, Archelas ventured to Northrend where he defeated his former master and founded the Remnants of Lordaeron.


Early life

Archelas Titus was born three decades prior to the Opening of the Dark Portal. He served in the military for many years before fighting the Orcish Horde as a Sergeant during the First War and again as a Lieutenant in the Second War. He was eventually married to Sara Brookes and had a son, Calvin.

Third War

By the time the Third War started to emerge, Archelas had gained his Captain-status within the Alliance military. He was stationed in Lordaeron at the time, accompanying Arthas Menethil in his search for the magical properties of the plague. They rendezvous with Jaina Proudmoore and then confronted Mal'ganis at Stratholme. While Arthas and the 1st Legion ventured to Northrend to follow the Dreadlord, Archelas remained in Lordaeron. When Arthas returned, he mercilessly killed his own father, King Terenas, and took over the City of Lordaeron, slaughtering every citizen within it and raising them as Scourge. Archelas took his son and wife and guided them outside of the city. His wife fell on the way, much to his misery and depression. Besieged by undead forces on all sides, he led his son with another group of survivors while he made his way to the Barracks. He found many men fighting the Undead and with his rallying might he unified them long enough to hold off the attack. They fled the city to Quel'Thalas to warn the Elves, but they were too late. The Quel'dorei had already seen their fair share of this Scourge that ravaged the land. The Dark Prince slew Archelas and his men when they arrived, and there his new life had begun.

Champion of the Scourge

When Archelas awoke, he was in dark robes and noticed a new icy surge of power that filled his veins. He quickly realized that he was no longer part of the living. He looked around to find rotting corpses and dark halls, although he could not fathom the thought of fear. The Lich, Kel'thuzad spoke to him, declaring Archelas' new position as a Death Knight.

He began overseeing the new recruits and leading the slaughter to any remaining humans in the area. Campaign after campaign, nothing stood in his path alive. He personally witnessed Sylvanas' betrayal and saw Arthas off to Northrend to confront Illidan. Archelas remained in Lordaeron aiding Kel'thuzad in his efforts.

Wrath of the Lich King

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

Eventually, he was called to Acherus: The Ebon Hold, where he rendezvoused with Darion Mograine and the Lich King. There, he fought the Scarlet forces, completely annihilating them alongside the Scourge onslaught. All that remained was Light's Hope Chapel and the Argent Dawn.