User:Pandorac/The Ysera Five

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MobThe Ysera Five
Image of The Ysera Five
Race Unknown
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location USA

The Ysera Five is made up of five players. Mcdingerderb, Sotto, Pandorac, Buby and an undecided fifth member, originally the Thebakery. In this group Mcdingerderb is a Tauren Protection Warrior, Sotto is a Blood Elf Holy Paladin, Pandorac is a Troll Elemental Shaman, and Buby is a Blood Elf Dagger Rogue. The fifth member will be decided at a later date. This position is open so dont hesitate to ask.

General Attitude

Our attitude is pure communication mixed with a bit of fun craziness and risk taking. We love to just sit and farm instaces with our low alts and have fun. We joke around and can be serious levelers at the same time


"Wanna party on?!" - Crazy Ventrilo Lady

"Enrosacdo" -Mcdingerderb

"My hands dont talk the right way" - Sotto

"OMG! Buby con a boinch de chicas!" - Buby

"" -Buby

"Pathetic <target>! *I* throw the lightning bolts around here!" - Pandorac

Current Gear

Mcdingerderb has the following noteable gear:
Inv shield 18.png [Kresh's Back] Inv chest cloth 15.png [Glowing Lizardscale Cloak]
Inv weapon bow 10.png [Venomstrike] Inv axe 23.png [Serpent's Kiss]
Inv shoulder 08.png [Serpent's Shoulders]
Sotto has the following noteable gear:
Inv helmet 16.png [Holy Shroud] Inv shield 10.png [Seedcloud Buckler]
Inv mace 07.png [Death Speaker Scepter]
Pandorac has the following notable gear:
Inv weapon halberd 08.png [Razor's Edge] Inv shield 10.png [Seedcloud Buckler]
Inv shoulder 08.png [Serpent's Shoulders] Inv gauntlets 18.png [Gloves of the Fang]
Buby has the following noteable gear:
Inv weapon shortblade 05.png [Buzzer Blade] Inv weapon shortblade 25.png [Meteor Shard]
Inv shoulder 08.png [Serpent's Shoulders] Inv chest cloth 15.png [Glowing Lizardscale Cloak]
Inv belt 26.png [Blackened Defias Belt] Inv chest leather 08.png [Blackened Defias Armor]


While the Ysera Five hasnt been going on for very long, each member has been playing for a long time. All 4 of the current 5 have been playing since before Burning Crusade. The members each have a level 70 character: Warzombie is Mcdingerderb's (located on Aerie Peak server.) Grimrar is Sotto's (Ysera Server) Kyno is Pandorac's (Ysera Server) and Strug is Buby's (Aerie Peak Server) At this current moment in time they have reached the mid 20's after straing less than a week ago. They plan on continuing to try and find a 5th member. The do have Ventrilo server and are willing to try people out.