User:Oscararon43210/Therias Darkflame

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NeutralTheriasos "Darkflame" Gorogoth
Image of Theriasos "Darkflame" Gorogoth
Gender Male
Race Undead
Class Death Knight, formerly Paladin
Affiliation(s) The Scourge, formerly the Alliance
Occupation Highlord Death Knight
Status Undead
Relative(s) Taranten (brother), Arian and Farlber Gorogoth (parents)


Early Life

The couple, Arian and Farlber Gorogoth, got a child they called Therias. Therias was a happy little boy who grew up in a rich world and early met nobles and knights. His parents wanted him to have a good future so they took him to the cathedral every week and Duthorian Rall took the boy as his apprentice.

Some years later he was tall and very good at swordfighting, while his brother mostly read books about the Holy Light and spent time with priests and clerics. But they never argued, they were best friends even tho they took different paths.

They often went out to walk in Stormwind and Therias ran around and pretended he was a knight. When they became teenagers they suddenly started argue alot and sometimes started to fight.

Death of his family

When the orcs came, Farlber had to fight for Stormwind. Arian was left home with their children.

Therias was very worried about their father and Arian was very sick.

When Therias was 20 years old Arian died. The brothers were vengeful after that.

Chapter Three, Battles in Hillsbrad

Chapter Four, The Death Knight

Chapter Five, Forsaken