User:Nincaro/Changed Zul'drak

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  • Forsaken Loyalists have constructed bases in the ruins of both Zeramas and Voltarus, where they seek to reconstruct the Flesh Titan known as Thrym.
  • Ebon Watch has been fortified to fight against the new hostility nearby and Light's Breach has been turned in to the Brightsong Monastery after the Argent Crusade reenforced it.
  • The Argent Stand has been completely taken over by rampaging Drakkari trolls and Forsaken Loyalists, who now use it as a base for their operations.
  • Alliance forces have taken over the Altar of Sseratus and constructed the base known as Genn's Grasp around the outer perimeter of the the area.
  • Horde forces have constructed a base known as Baine's Blood in the ruins of the necropolis called Kolramas, which also crashed to the ground below it like the other two.
  • Zim'torga is now under attack from Forsaken Loyalists who have set up base at the nearby Altar of Mam'toth, which they have completely taken over.
  • The Altar of Har'koa has been taken over by the dreaded Shrieking Ones, who seem to have come from nowhere to attack both living and dead in the area.
  • The Altar of Rhunok no longer stands due to an avalanche that buried it under rubble and snow, but the Drakkari trolls nearby seem to be driven only deeper in to their frenzy by this event.
  • Zol'maz Stronghold is now home to both the friendly trolls in the area and new members of the Argent Crusade who have moved in to the area to make it a tougher base to crack.
  • Forsaken Loyalists have constructed the giant base known as Soul's Torment that extends the whole way around Gun'drak and it acts as their main base in the region of Zul'drak.

New Story Lines

Ebon Attack - The Knights of the Ebon Blade want you to sabotage the nearby Forsaken Loyalist base in the ruins of Zeramas and report back to them.

Burning Light - The Argent Crusade forces at Brightsong Monastery want you to destroy the Forsaken Loyalist base in the ruins of Voltarus nearby.

Fighting a Monster - Aid the Knights of the Ebon Blade and the Argent Crusade forces in fighting the reconstructed, more powerful version of Thrym.

An Argent Battle - Fight alongside your factions' forces to deal with the Drakkari trolls and Forsaken Loyalists at the Argent Stand.

Establishing a Respect - Act as a 'courier' to establish respect between the Alliance forces at Genn's Grasp and the Horde forces at Baine's Blood.

Important Defense - Fight off the Forsaken Loyalists who are attempting to take control of Zim'torga alongside the friendly local Trolls.

Bashing in the Altar - Aid the friendly Trolls at Zim'torga in destroying the Forsaken Loyalist base at the Altar of Mam'toth that is near their encampment.

Wail of Death - Stop the flow of Shrieking Ones at the Altar of Har'koa straight from their and then report any discovered information back at either Genn's Grasp or Baine's Blood depending on your faction.

All Clear! - Assist Gazlowe and Brann Bronzebeard in completing the destruction at the Altar of Rhunok by escorting them while they plant explosive charges around it.

Battle of the Tormented Souls - Fight alongside the spirits of vengeful Drakkari trolls in order to completely and utterly decimate the Forsaken Loyalist base known as Soul's Torment.