User:Nincaro/Changed Borean Tundra

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  • Coldarra has been completely over run by frost elementals, who can be fought in new quests that are found in hubs within the cold region.
  • Garrosh's Landing is completely taken by the Kvaldir, who are now under attack by Forsaken Loyalists that wish to attack the nearby Warsong Hold.
  • Warsong Hold now gives new quests to fight Forsaken Loyalists attacking the gates and Kvaldir that are in the quarry around it.
  • Riplash Strand has been covered in mysterious, deadly tendrils reaching from the ground and Faceless Ones seem to have some form of base there,
  • Valiance Keep has come under attack from a massive army of Kvaldir and the outer walls have collapsed in piles of rubble.
  • Amber Ledge is being bombarded with Plague from a nearby Forsaken Loyalist base known as Death's Iron, which is full of undead siege weapons.
  • The Geyser Fields have been covered in a raging inferno, which threatens to consume the nearby D.E.H.T.A. camp along with all of the wild life.
  • Bor'Gorok Outpost has been entirely abandoned and an army of Faceless Ones plan to summon a dreadful terror to unleash upon the tundra from within.
  • The Temple City of En'Kilah is all but destroyed, and the Forsaken Loyalists have set up a there camp to prevent access in to the nearby Dragonblight.

New Story Lines

Frozen Madness - Tyrygosa requires aid in dealing the Frost Elementals in Coldarra and the ex-members of the Kirin Tor who summoned them.

Scouting Out the Landing - Aid the Horde forces at Warsong Hold in checking on Garrosh's Landing after the Kvaldir took over.

Preparing For an Attack - Aid the Horde forces at Warsong Hold in setting up the defenses around the base to protect against the attackers.

Battle with two Foes - Fight alongside Thrall to defeat the Kvaldir and Forsaken Loyalists attacking Warsong Hold.

Ruinous Secrets - Discover what the Faceless Ones want from within the Riplash Strand and the Riplash Ruins; then report back to your factions base.

We Need a Tougher Wall - Help the Dwarven architects in rebuilding the outer walls of Valiance Keep while the guards hold the line outside.

Defense of Valiance - Fight alongside Genn Greymane to defeat the Kvaldir army marching upon Valiance Keep.

An Amber Defense - Defend Amber Ledge while the others set up the magical defenses meant to surround the place in emergency scenarios.

Bending the Iron Death - Raze the Forsaken Loyalists' base of Death's Iron from the ground up.

Rescue, D.E.H.T.A. Style - Help D.E.H.T.A. put out the fires in the Geyser Fields along with saving the burnt animals.

Discovering True Terror - Spy on the ritual in Bor'Gorok Outpost and defeat what is summoned by it.

Holding the Dead Back - Defend Death's Stand with assistance from both Alliance and Horde forces.

Temple Desecration - Destroy the main Forsaken Loyalists' base in Borean Tundra alongside Thrall and Genn Greymane during an attack on En'Kilah.