User:Mig64/Warlord Roggar

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
HordeWarlord Roggar
Image of Warlord Roggar
Gender Male
Race(s) Furbolg (Humanoid)
Level 80
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Goroscream Forces
Former affiliation(s) Timbermaw Hold
Occupation Warlord of the Goroscream Forces

WoW Icon update.png Timbermaw Hold Wrath-Logo-Small.png Azjol-Nerub, Dragonblight
Gnomeregan, Dun Morogh

Cataclysm Goroscream Hold
Status Deceased

Roggar is a level 80 furbolg warrior and Warlord of the Goroscream Forces.


Roggar was a brave but hot-headed member of the Timbermaw tribe. He believed that the Timbermaw were destined to purge Felwood and Winterspring from the evil of their corrupted brethen and dominate the land both tribes occupied.

Roggar couldn't accept the fact that his tribe "hid themselves cowardly in a useless amount of tunnels", he tried for several times to convince his fellow tribespeople that the Timbermaw should take more offensive actions against the marauding corrupted furbolg tribes.

Ferocity's Culmination

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

After much time of failed attempts to persuade his fellow Timbermaw, Roggar managed to rally a group of furbolgs that shared the same thoughts as he did, Roggar and his small army raided the nearby Frostfire Hot Springs, repelling the Winterfall tribe from it.

Roggar's ferocity was always frowned upon by the most influent figures of Timbermaw Hold, but even they had to admit the results of Roggar's work when he was put into action, and the conquer of the Frostfire Hot Springs was one of the greatests proofs of it, the wild style of Roggar and his loyalists managed to secure the proximities of Timbermaw Hold at Winterspring.

However, this attack enraged High Chief Winterfall, and as an answer to Roggar's insolence, the Winterspring chieftain sent a massive invasion to Timbermaw Post and the Frostfire Hot Springs. The Timbermaw tribe suffered a horrible defeat, not only did the Winterfall reclaim the Hot Springs but they also dominated Timbermaw Post. The Winterfall incursion was so strong that Roggar and his few surviving loyalists were forced to retreat back to Timbermaw Hold.

Roggar returned to Timbermaw Hold seeking shelter, but all he and his loyalists found was punishment. Angered by the loss of Timbermaw Post and so many lives, Kernda suggested that Roggar and his companions were to be imprisoned for two years, in order to prevent him from causing further destruction to the Timbermaw, most of the tribe agreed and Roggar and his partners were put into enchanted wooden cells, the shaman Kredo was chosen to give food to the wild furbolg.

Time passed, and the Timbermaw tribe began to make contact with adventurers from the outside world other than the nearby Cenarion Circle, namely the Alliance and the Horde. Certain day, an adventurer by the name of Guénon passed by, the troll spent days having contact with the tribe and eventually befriended them, Roggar -still imprisoned- called Guénon and asked about the place he came from, Guénon then began to tell him stories about Sen'jin Village and Orgrimmar to the Timbermaw warrior. Guénon then took his leave, returning to the orcish capital city. From that day on, Warlord Roggar began to pay extra attention in the ways of the Horde adventurers that visited Timbermaw Hold, he came to admire them, especially the orcish warriors, a desire to align the Timbermaw tribe with the Horde was burning inside the furbolg's heart. The orcish ways fit his plans for Timbermaw Hold and his own philosophy perfectly, but he never succeeded in making the Timbermaw joining the Horde, his failure at the Frostfire Hot Springs and the loss of Timbermaw Post had forever destroyed his credibility.

Roggar and his partners were eventually set free shortly after the defeat of Ragnaros at the Molten Core, Kernda had a second thought and decided that two years was too much cruel. However, even though Roggar and company were free, they were only allowed to walk around the tunnels and never pick up weapons unless they had authorization to do so.

War against the Lich King

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

By the time of the War against the Lich King, Guénon returned to Timbermaw Hold after years of absence, the troll hunter spoke to his old friends about needing help to fight an evil that was even bigger than the Deadwood and Winterfall together.

Roggar saw that as an opportunity to prove his worth to the Timbermaw and perhaps even convince them that his plans for the tribe were the right path to be taken, but his enthusiasm was foiled by Gorn One Eye, the furbolg said that Roggar was still unworthy of engaging any living being in combat, instead, Kredo the Shaman and a group of Timbermaw furbolgs left the tunnels to join Guénon's Forces.

Roggar was consumed by hatred, his anger told him to destroy those who held his power back, but the furbolg knew that if he did this, he would be no different of the tribes that the Timbermaw were supposedly destined to destroy. Seeing that he couldn't take any action, the furbolg fell in depression, he wouldn't speak to anyone, all he did was sitting near the tunnels' exit to Moonglade, staring the region outside with apathetic eyes...with time, his depression destroyed his hatred, but also consumed his joy, the furbolg felt nothing...and there he stood. The furbolg spent many months in such state, the other Timbermaw were worried about his welfare, his loyalists were even more worried, and stood by his side, giving him food and drinks.

Certain day, the spirit of Kredo returned to Timbermaw Hold to see how his people were doing, the furbolgs asked the ghost shaman what happened to him and he told that the evil he and his comrades fought was too strong, the Timbermaw around the shaman were perplexed and scared, with the exception of Roggar and Gorn One Eye. Gorn called Kredo for a private conversation, Gorn One Eye mentioned that the Horde was interessed in acquiring Furbolg allies and made several attempts to communicate with them after Guénon and other adventurers from years ago, he asked Kredo what should he do. Kredo saw the perfect opportunity to bring the power of his people to the rising Goroscream Forces, and told Gorn to secretly spare some Timbermaw to join the ranks of the Horde, One Eye did so. The furbolgs picked up by Gorn approached Roggar and his loyalists, stating that they should vanquish the greater evil of the Scourge if they wished to prove their worth for the tribe. Roggar instantly returned to his normal self with a wild roar, but was told to keep quiet, for this operation of them was to be a secret to the Timbermaw. Roggar then recruited some other furbolgs and departed alongside Kredo while Gorn created a diversion for the rest of the tribe.

On his way out of Felwood alongside the furbolg forces, Roggar saw a band of corrupted furbolgs approaching, he and his comrades weren't given any weapons but they took fighting stances, ready to use their claws for battle, but the corrupted beasts had an expression of sadness that was uncommon to their kind, and although it didn't call Roggar's attention at all, it certainly called Kredo's. The ghost shaman soothed his companions and approached the corrupted furbolgs, these were Deadwood defectors who were seeking redemption for their diseased bodies, they saw the ghost of Kredo and the energy that came from him, the defectors wanted the spirit's guidance in their path. Roggar spit in the face of one of them, yelling that they were nothing but demonic abominations that should be purged from the land, but Kredo intervened by saying that, like the corrupted furbolgs, Roggar still had much to learn. The Deadwood defectors were accepted in Kredo's ranks and the group departed from Felwood and traveled to Goroscream Hold, Eastern Kingdoms, where the recruited furbolgs would meet their leader.

<<Work In Progress>>