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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
Image of Bonehook
Gender Male
Race(s) Jungle troll (Humanoid)
Void terror (Demon)
Level 81 (Humanoid)
85 (Demon)
Class Warlock
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Goroscream Forces
Former affiliation(s) Himself, Gurubashi tribe
Occupation Captain of the Goroscream Forces, Overlord of the Goroscream Forces at the Hinterlands
Location Wrath-Logo-Small.png Coldarra
CataclysmNone, corpse turned into dust and taken by the wind
Status Deceased

Bonehook is a level 81 jungle troll warlock and member of the Goroscream Forces.


Bonehook was banned from the Gurubashi tribe for reasons unknown, and in exile, he developed great affinity with fel magic, becoming a strong warlock, but despite his power, he lived in misery at the jungles of Stranglethorn Vale.

Bonehook was found in critical health state by Guénon, the troll hunter was on a journey to recruit members for the recently founded Goroscream Forces. Willing to help Bonehook, Guénon brought him to Grom'gol Base Camp where was he cured by Horde shamans.

Feeling eternally in debt with Guénon and the Horde, Bonehook decided to join the Goroscream.

Bonehook's powerful demonic magic made him the strongest among all warlocks of the Goroscream Forces, the way he represented the Goroscream Forces during the Nexus War and his performance during the War against the Lich King granted him the rank of Captain of the Goroscream.

Goroscream Wars

Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Bonehook had vital participation in the Goroscream Wars, it was he who invented the plan of using Warlock Summoning Portals to summon reinforcements directly from Goroscream Hold, this strategy was used by the Goroscream in the whole war and was vital for the Goroscream's initial success.

After the Goroscream seized control over Aerie Peak and secured it's supremacy over the Hinterlands, Bonehook was named by Guénon himself the Overlord of the Goroscream Forces at the Hinterlands.

However, his rule over the region didn't last so long, for the Alliance formed it's Counteroffensive and advanced against the Goroscream. At first, Bonehook managed to hold the forces of Major Mattingly when they first tried to invade Aerie Peak and even forced them to retreat to the Arathi Highlands after summoning Yoza and some Netherwing drakes from Goroscream Hold through a massive summoning portal he created. After the Alliance's retreat, Bonehook called most of the Goroscream army at the Hinterlands to Aerie Peak so they could regroup and launch an offensive against the escaping enemy.

This seemed to be the first Goroscream victory ever since the Alliance counterattacked, but luck proved to be on Major Mattingly's side. A few hours after the Alliance reached Arathi, Deathwing arrived at the Hinterlands, the Aspect of Death burned Jintha'Alor and Quel'Danil Lodge, and before leaving the region, he unleashed his flames upon Aerie Peak, and since almost all Goroscream Forces of the Hinterlands were concentrated there, Bonehook lost most of his army, and was unable to call for reinforcements for the summoning portals -including his massive one- were destroyed by The Worldbreaker.

Bonehook after his dark ritual.

Bonehook and Yoza managed to survive Deathwing's offensive, but the troll warlock's mind was forever lost...Bonehook went insane after witnessing the power of the Unmaker of Worlds and losing such quantity of manpower.

Consumed by despair, Bonehook started to kill the surviving Goroscream soldiers and Alliance prisoners in order to begin a dark ritual so that he could still have hopes of winning the battle. Yoza tried to stop him, but he lost completely his senses, his demonic power having devoured his personality, thus, Yoza left Aerie Peak and went to Goroscream Hold to give Guénon the bad news.

After emptying Aerie Peak of all humanoid life, Bonehook used the blood of those he killed and channeled a massive spell on himself, twisting his body into a void terror-like demonic beast. When Bonehook was near death, a small glimpse of sanity sparked in his mind and he tried to retreat, sacrificing a portion of his remaining life force he created a shield to protect himself as he channeled a summoning portal connected to Goroscream Hold, so that he could escape.

Major Mattingly didn't know how much longer the portal would last, thus he decided to leave the rebuilding of Aerie Peak and Quel'Danil Lodge for later, the Alliance Counteroffensive took the portal, prepared for the final and decisive battle.

His robe

His vestments used to belong to a powerful Alliance zealot priest that tried to kill him during his participation in the Nexus War, after dealing with the minor problem, Bonehook began to wear it to mock every single Light follower that don't respect the existence of his kind.


Humanoid Form

In his countless battles for the Goroscream, Bonehook was seen using all of these abilities on each fight:

  • Spell deathknight antimagiczone.png Shadow Ball: Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy, causing 1450 Shadow damage. (1.5 sec to cast)
  • Spell shadow shadowbolt.png Shadow Bolt: Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy, causing 3450 Shadow damage and increasing all magic damage taken by the target by 8% for 10 seconds. Stacks up to three times. (2.5 sec to cast)
  • Spell shadow contagion.png Felinsect Swarm: The enemy is swarmed by corrupted insects, dealing 2000 Shadow damage over 12 seconds. (Instant cast)
  • Spell shadow abominationexplosion.png Curse of Blood: Curses the target, increasing damage taken from bleed effects by 10%. If the target dies while the effect is on, it will vomit all of it's blood before complete death, healing the caster and all allies in 15 yards for 15% of the target's base health. Lasts 1 minute. (Instant cast)(1 min cooldown)
  • Inv sword 01.png Immolate Weapon: Enchants your weapon with fire, while enchanted, all Physical damage done by the weapon will be based on the caster's Spell Power, and attacks will also apply the Burning Wound effect. Lasts for 3 minutes. (Instant cast)(2.5 min cooldown)
    • Spell fire immolation.png Burning Wound: Deals 1675 damage every 2 seconds over 35 seconds.
  • Ability warlock chaosbolt.png Fel Blast: Sends a bolt of Fire and Shadow energy at the enemy, dealing instant 4500 Fire damage, and curses the target, dealing the same damage as Shadow damage over 10 seconds. (3.5 sec to cast)(2 min cooldown)
  • Spell shadow shadowfury.png Dark Cone: Targets in a cone in front of the caster are stunned for 4 secs. (Instant cast)(15 sec cooldown)
  • Spell deathknight bloodboil.png Blood Rebellion: Curses the target, making it bleed for 355 Physical damage each 3 seconds for 18 seconds. (Instant cast)(25 secs cooldown)
  • Ability creature disease 05.png Fel Favor: Reduces cast time by 30% and mana cost 15% for all spells. Lasts 20 seconds. (0.5 sec to cast)(3 min cooldown)
  • Spell shadow rune.png Marks of Plague: Curses the target, making all damage done by the caster to also hit the target's allies in a 7 yard range for 15% of the amount received. Lasts 2 minutes. (Instant cast)(2.3 min cooldown)
  • Spell shadow twilight.png Ritual of Summoning: Begins a ritual that creates a summoning portal. (10 sec to cast)(2 min cooldown)

Demon Form

After his transformation, he gained a new array of abilities:

  • Spell shadow demonicempathy.png Charge: Charges at an enemy, dealing 12500 Shadow damage and stunning it for 4 secs.
  • Spell nature thunderclap.png Stomp: Blasts enemies within 8 yards for 5000 damage, and increases the time between their attacks by 20% for 30 sec. (10 sec cooldown)
  • Ability warlock shadowflame.png Shadowflame: Targets in a cone in front of the caster take 8001 to 9001 Shadow damage and an additional 8500 Fire damage over 6 sec. (Instant cast)(10 sec cooldown)
  • Spell shadow shadowbolt.png Shadow Bolt: Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy, causing 12540 Shadow damage and increasing all damage taken by the target by 8% for 12 secs. Stacks up to three times. (0.5 sec to cast)(2 sec cooldown)
  • Spell deathknight thrash ghoul.png Cleave: A sweeping attack that strikes the target and a nearby ally, dealing 7500 physical damage.
  • Ability warrior battleshout.png Muting Shout: Silences all targets around the caster in a 35 yard distance. Lasts for 5 seconds. (Instant cast)(30 sec cooldown)
  • Spell nature starfall.png Eye Lazer: Bonehook's eyes shoot lazer beams against nine random targets in a cone in front of the him, dealing 10255 Shadow damage for each successful beam. (2.5 sec to cast)(15 sec cooldown)
  • Spell deathknight bloodtap.png Sacrifice: Sacrifices a portion of the caster's remaining health to create a protective shield, which absorbs all damage up to three times the lost health. Lasts for 30 secs. (Instant cast)(30 sec cooldown)
  • Spell arcane teleportundercity.png Dreadgate: Opens a gate which the caster can use to return to Goroscream Hold. Before it is fully open, the caster must channel it for 10 sec.(Channeled)(1 min cooldown)