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Brunden Valorwind

AllianceBrunden Valorwind
Image of Brunden Valorwind
Title Sir (formerly), The Lightbearer (formerly)
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Paladin
Affiliation(s) Order of the Silver Hand, Alliance of Lordaeron, The Alliance
Occupation Knight of Lordaeron, Leader of the Blackwood Crusade
Location Buried in Northdale, His blade,  [Archeus] is in the hands of his son, Ulrich Valorwind
Status Deceased (Died of old age, shortly before the Shattering)
Relative(s) Garrien Valorwind (Brother), Andrel Derethane (Best Friend)
Mentor(s) Tirion Fordring (The man whom taught him the way of Retribution)
Companion(s) Valorstrong (horse mount)
Alignment Lawful good
"The Light is My Shield, My Strength, and My Weapon. So long as I wield it, I am invincible."
—Brunden Valorwind, the Lightbearer


Brunden Valorwind was originally a Paladin of the Alliance, hailing from Lordaeron. After the Third War and the Fall of Lordaeron, he journeyed to Duskwood and found his old college, Morbent Fel as the man who plagued Duskwood in eternal blight.


Brunden a skilled practitioner of holy magic. Even so, he prefers to use his blade -  [Archeus] - to slay his opponents. While on his journey on facing Morbent Fel, Brunden is comforted with the Light.


  • "Tirion would be ashamed of you, Morvane! Think about what you have done, while pleading for redemption! Now, this is for Garrien, you disgusting, horrifying traitor!" — Preparing to end Morbent Fel by stabbing him in the heart with Archeus.
  • "Morbent Fel... What happened to you, brother?" — Upon realizing that Morbent Fel was not on his side anymore.

Ulrich Valorwind

AllianceUlrich Valorwind
Image of Ulrich Valorwind
Title Sir, The Defender
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Paladin
Affiliation(s) Order of the Silver Hand, The Alliance
Occupation Knight of Lordaeron, Knight of the Argent Crusade
Location Stormwind City
Status Alive
Relative(s) Brunden Valorwind (Father), Garrien Valorwind (Uncle)
Mentor(s) Brunden Valorwind, Andrel Derethane
Companion(s) Virtuous (horse mount)
Alignment Lawful good
"At last, Morbent Fel has been defeated."
—Ulrich Valorwind, the Defender

Andrel Derethane

AllianceAndrel Derethane
Image of Andrel Derethane
Title Sir (formerly), Valiant of Stromgarde (formerly)
Gender Male
Race Human

Warrior (In Life),

Death Knight (In Death)
Affiliation(s) Kingdom of Stromgarde, Alliance of Lordaeron, The Alliance
Occupation Valiant of Stromgarde, Knight of the Ebon Blade
Location Stormwind City
Status Deceased (Buried in a grave within the city of Stromgarde)
Relative(s) Brunden Valorwind (Best Friend)
Mentor(s) Unknown
Companion(s) Courageous (horse mount)
Alignment Lawful good
"Stromgarde is my home."
—Andrel Derethane


Born in Stromgarde, Andrel was raised to fight in the army and soon became a Knight. While visiting Lordaeron for a few weeks the Plague of Undeath spread towards Capital City


Strong at blade and knows some holy magics.


  • "This is for ruining my own life, Morbent Fel!" — Punishes Morbent Fel for the pain he brought upon him in Scholomance.
  • "Morbent Fel... What happened to you, brother?" — Upon realizing that Morbent Fel was not on his side anymore.

Kel'dran Voidweaver, the Scourge of Life

NeutralKel'dran Voidweaver
Image of Kel'dran Voidweaver
Title Death Knight (Formerly), Var'Kyth (Currently)
Gender Male
Race Undead (Orc soul within a Human corpse)
Affiliation(s) The Shadow Council (Formerly), The Old Horde (Formerly), Himself (Currently)
Occupation The Scourge of Duskwood (As a Death Knight; Formerly), Var'Kyth of the Unlife (Currently)
Location Deadwind Pass
Status Alivel; hiding and planning his next course of action against Brunden Valorwind.
Mentor(s) None, he never had one.
Companion(s) Dante the Herald (Ally)
Alignment Chaotic Evil
"The fools of Duskwood look at me and fear in terror. Yes, they may continue their little panic, while I wash over their town and kill them all."
—Kel'dran Voidweaver

Dante, The Herald

Dante the Herald
Image of Dante the Herald
Title The Herald (Currently)
Gender Male
Race San'Layn
Affiliation(s) Undead Scourge and Himself (Currently)
Occupation San'Layn of the Scourge (Formerly), Ally of Kel'dran Voidweaver (Currently)
Location Karazhan
Status Alive
Mentor(s) None, he is in no need of a mentor.
Companion(s) Morbent Fel (Ally)
Alignment Chaotic Evil
"Voidweaver, let us go the place where we both belong, Hell."
—Dante, the Herald


Dante the Herald was formerly a San'Layn for the Lich King but when he was offered a place in the Court of Hell by Diablo the Lord of Terror, he accepted and pledged loyalty to judge those who tormented others. He stumbled upon Morbent Fel, who haunted the Valorwind Lineage for years, and put a stop to it when he dragged him into Hell.


He is skilled with illusion, blade, and strength.


  • "I am Dante the Herald." — Meeting with Morbent Fel for the first time.