User:Lord doctor/Ethereals

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In relation to the Dreadlords' Rise expansion idea.

A race of technologically advanced traders, they seek allies amongst the Horde after Naebulu the Void Lord descends on their home.

Ethereal Plunderer TCG.jpg
Character classes Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Monk
Main language K'areshi
Secondary language Orcish
Starting zone Eco-Dome Skyrift, Netherstorm(phased)
Racial leader IconSmall Ethereal.gif Nexus-Prince Araadan
Capital Silvermoon City, Eversong Forest
Racial mount Warp (Racial Ability)


(Taken from official page: Ethereal)

K'aresh was an arid planet, home to a thriving ecosystem and several sentient species before the arrival of Dimensius the All-Devouring. How the void lord found K'aresh is still hotly debated among the surviving ethereals, but the effects of his coming were unmistakable: he opened countless gateways into the void and the Twisting Nether around the planet, bathing K'aresh in arcane and dark energies. Using every scrap of its advanced technology, one of the mortal races hastily attempted to construct magical barriers around its cities, but it was only partially successful; although the dark energies were blocked, the unimpeded flood of arcane energy tore away the mortals' corporeal shells and infused their souls with enough energy so that they could subsist without a body… barely. Members of this race, now called ethereals, took to binding themselves with enchanted strips of cloth to provide their souls with enough structure to survive. This altered state proved to be a blessing in disguise, as their enhanced minds and magical abilities allowed the ethereals to fight Dimensius and his limited forces to a standstill. Over the years, however, Dimensius eventually grew powerful enough to summon armies of fellow void creatures, forcing the ethereals to flee into the Twisting Nether.


Ethereal's are beings who became entities of pure energy, which they keep bound using special bandages into their original humanoind shape. Their bandaged forms are usually very slender and agile, with their glowing energy often emerging from the gaps between the strips of bandages. Their energy forms come in many different colours: Pink, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red and others, although the most common are purple and blue. The female Ethereals are more slender and agile than their male counterparts and their bandages reflect a more female form.


Racial Traits

  • Spell shadow detectinvisibility.png Energy Storage  —  Ethereals have 10% more Mana capacity.
  • Spell nature wispsplode.png Phased  —  Dodge chance increased by 3%.
  • Inv misc bandage netherweave.png Bandaged  —  Adds a 15 point skill bonus to the First Aid profession.
  • Spell frost iceshock.png Ether Form  —  Releases your energy being form for 10 seconds, decreasing all damage taken by 75%. 2 minute cooldown
  • Spell shadow antishadow.png Warp  —  Enter a state of Warp-shift, increasing movement speed by 60%/100%. Serves as the Ethereal "mount".

Reasons for Racial Traits

As energy beings, Ethereals can draw on larger amounts of mana energy to cast more spells.

Ethereals are some-what incorporeal, allowing them a chance to not be hit by attacks.

As the Ethereals' bandages occasionally require maintanence, they must be versed in the basics of creating bandages to maintain themselves and others.

The Ethereal's true form is pure energy, released from its bandages it is almost completely incorporeal and it is thus difficult to damage them.

Ethereals may hover a small bit off the ground and travel much faster than normal at will. When they move while doing this they will leave several ghost copies behind them. This is achieved by the Ethereal using warp energy to become partially out of phase and can ignore many regular laws of physics and experience decreased gravity and mass.


Ethereal characters may play as Hunters, Mages, Paladins, Priests, Rogues, Shamans, Warlocks and Monks.

Starting Quests (Lvl 1-20)

Map of Netherstorm as it currently appears in-game

Ethereals start in Eco-Dome Skyrift in a phased version of Netherstorm in Outland. Skyrift is a newly built Eco-Dome in the East of Netherstorm, where Manaforge Ultris used to be and is under the command of Nexus-Prince Araadan. Once creating an Ethereal, players are given quests to slay different forms of life found in the jungles of the Eco-Dome and receive the basic class-specific quests to meet with the class trainer. After completing the first few quests Void Creatures appear in areas of the Eco-Dome and the player is tasked with slaying them. After defeating the Void Leader in the Eco-Dome the player is sent out of Skyrift to collect energy crystals from Celestial Ridge and travel to the Stormspire and meet with Nexus-Prince Araadan who will travel there from Skyrift as well. The player will receive a quest along the way to battle Void Creatures inhabiting the Ruins of Farahlon.

Now at Stormspire, Nexus-Prince Araadan will give quest to watch a meeting between him and an apparition of the recently crowned Nexus-King Haramad --formerly Nexus-Prince Haramad. This meeting is cut short when the Void Lord Naebulu is seen descending from the skies above Netherstorm. Both Araadan and Haramad along with other Ethereals will offer quests to fight Void Creatures in and around Stormspire, collecting crystals and eventually destroying portals in the ruins of Forge Camps Oblivion and Gehhena. The player must also remove remaining Blood Elves summoning demon forces from Manaforge Ara.

Afterwards, the player must travel south to Eco-Dome Midrealm where Midrealm post has grown into a proper sized village and where it is discovered that the radical Ethereal group, the Ethereum is still operational and has resurfaced from hiding after the invasion of the Voidal armies. The player must fight Void Creatures and stop Ethereum operatives from destroying the rest of the Ethereals. Eventually the player will be sent to Manaforge Duro to witness the resurrection of Nexus-King Salhadaar by Void-Prince Fasha, a Nexus-Prince of the Ethereum and Nexus-Stalker; and Nexus-Baron Shadahl and his Void-Summoners. The player defeats the Ethereum Void-Summoners, but Salhadaar, Fasha and Shadahl escape and upon returning to Midrealm the player discovers it has been destroyed by the combined forces of the Voidal Armies and the Ethereum. The player along with Araadan meet with Horde Forces stationed on the zeppelin Gunship, Stormcatcher, traversing the skies of Netherstorm absorbing Nether energy. With the help of the Horde Forces, the Ethereals destroy the forces guarding Midrealm using Goblin bombers, infiltrate the Eco-Dome and defeat Void-Prince Fasha, leader of local Ethereum forces. Upon travelling back to the Stormcatcher, it is destroyed by Naebulu and it crash lands in the Ruins of Enkaat.

The crash landing has disturbed the ghosts of the dead Draenei at the ruins and the player must fight them off, help the Horde survivors, recover a Draenei artifact from a Dreadlord and return it to its proper location to appease the spirits. After the ghosts recede, the player travels to Area 52 where several Ethereal refugees from Midrealm have settled. At the request of refugees, Goblins and Horde survivors the player will slay demons, voidwalkers, Ethereum operatives and destroy Manaforge B'naar where Ethereum members are using the energy to fuel their purposes and become Nexus-Stalkers. Afterwards they will escort Captain Drat, the goblin captain of the Stormcatcher through Arklon Ruins and to Sunfury Hold, now under the control of the Horde Blood Elves. From there quests are given to defeat Void Forces which have seized command of Manaforge Coruu.

When the player returns to Sunfury Hold, they discover that Captain Drat has been kidnapped by undercover Ethereum insurgents who have taken him to Kirin'Var Village which has been reinforced by the Ethereum into 'Ethos Hold'. The player travels there and with the help of Nexus-Prince Araadan they defeat Void-Summoner Shadahl and free Captain Drat. Afterwards, the player returns to Sunfury Hold and witnesses an apparition of Void Lord Neabulu and Nexus-King Salhadaar who have joined forces and they shows the people present the destruction of the Stormspire. An apparition of Nexus-King Haramad appears at Sunfury Hold and Captain Drat along with Commander Theala, leader of Sunfury Hold, show their gratitide and sympathies for the destruction of his home by offering him and all the Ethereals a reccomendation to join the Horde. Although Haramad declines, Araadan decides to accept the offer and they all leave on board the Stormcatcher II. On the way to the Dark Portal, they witness the forces of Naebulu descend on Netherstorm as the already unstable islands begin to tear themselves apart from the stress of the Nether and Voidal energies. Just when they think they have escaped, Void Baron Cosmonon appears on board the Stromcatcher II and the player must defeat it with the aid of all present on the gunship: the Horde crew-members, the Ethereal refugees, Captain Drat and Nexus-Prince Araadan.

Once they arrive at the Dark Portal, the player disembarks and travels through the Horde portal there and must go to the Valley of Strength and speak with Warchief [Insert name of new Warchief here]. After which the Warchief accepts the player and Nexus-Prince Araadan's Ethereals, known as the Skyrift Ethereals, into the Horde. The player is then sent to Silvermoon City where the Ethereals have their own district of the city in a rebuilt section of the ruins: the Ethereus District.