User:Lemona1d/Sundered Monolith

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NeutralSundered Monolith
Leader(s) Majis'Tomon
Race(s) NerubianNerubianNerubianNerubian Nerubian
Language(s) Common
Affiliation(s) Nerubian
Organizations Azjol-anak
Location Azjol-Nerub
Status Active

Done Inn          Done Mailbox

Done Stables

Done Anvil & Forge

Undone.gif Bank       Undone.gif Auctions
Travel Done Flight Master(s)
Undone.gif Mass-transit
Undone.gif Portal(s)
Sources: Whispers of Madness

The Sundered Monolith is the oldest surviving stronghold of the spider kingdom and is the first friendly Nerubian settlement players come across in Whispers of Madness. Led by Majis'Tomon, a spiderlord aristocrat, the Sundered Monolith acts a direct parallel to the above ground Wyrmrest Temple towering above Dragonblight. It is here the Azjol-anak battle against the remainder of the Scourge and prepare themselves to take back the depths of their kingdoms.

The Sundered Monolith appears in the Whispers of Madness expansion.