User:Lemona1d/Mak'thuun Rebellion

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Residing in the now desolate and defunct region of modern day Outland, the Mak'thuun Rebellion is a defiant group of recalcitrant and "redeemed" demons that have cut their ties to the Burning Legion for one reason or another. Led by upstart warlock Garbhan Brokenbreath, the Rebellion has wrestled control of the Path of Glory from invading demon forces, making the Stair of Destiny a natural safe haven for travelers and adventurers alike. For now, they call Hellfire Peninsula their home, using the bleak red plains and rocky foothills as their staging grounds.

The Rebellion

Like the stars in the sky, the demons of the universe are vast and innumerable. Therefore, it's no stretch to imagine that once in a great while, a demon will stake a claim for themselves by honing their own free will and coming into their own. The Mak'thuun Rebellion consists of such demons, dangerous free-thinkers and independent individuals who've broken away from the hivemind that consumes the Burning Legion.

Rebellion Members

Name Title Status
NeutralIconSmall Brutallus.gif Ulvinoth The Steel Legion Alive
NeutralIconSmall Nathrezim.gif Zalimafras Alive
NeutralIconSmall Observer.gif Essowrod The Presumably All-Knowing Alive
NeutralIconSmall FelLord.gif Lord Tzagrash The Cyclopean Sentinel Alive