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This article is a player character biography page for Multack of Sentinels US

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The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
AllianceMultack Artemus Zaarock
Image of Multack Artemus Zaarock
Title <Regent of the Crimson Blade>
Gender Male
Race Worgen
Class Plagueshifter, Druid, Aristocrat
Affiliation(s) Alliance, House Zaarock, Cult of the Damned (formerly), Order of the Crimson Blade
Occupation Regent of the Order
Status Alive
Relative(s) Ulfrick Flamewynd (Father), Annabeth Zaarock (Mother, deceased), Taurron Zaarock (Brother, deceased), Godrikk Zaarock (brother), Gethran Kearnan (cousin)

General Information

  • Name: Multack Artemus Zaarock
  • House: The House Zaarock
  • Race: Human (Affected by Worgen Curse)
  • Heritage: Lordaeron, Gilneas, Quel'Thalas
  • Character Class: Plagueshifter, Druid, Aristocrat
  • Age: 30
  • Birthplace: Festival Lane, Stratholme
  • Current Affiliations: The Order of the Crimson Blade, the Alliance of Lordaeron
  • Known Languages: Common, Thalassian, Darnassian



As a child, Multack Artemus Zaarock grew up in the city of Stratholme. His mother was a mage, and his father a paladin. Their names were Annabeth Zaarock-Flamewynd and Ulfrick Flamewynd. He also had two younger brothers- Taurron, about a year younger, and Godrikk, about two years younger. The three were taught in arcane magic by their mother. Multack had an affinity for it, as did Taurron, though Godrikk was a little less skillful.

Multack eventually specialized in arcane magic, while Taurron had a natural ability in frost magic. Godrikk stopped his training at the age of eleven, while Multack and Taurron continued to do so until fifteen, when the two traveled to Dalaran, as directed by their mother.

Third War & Aftermath

Multack around the time of the culling of Stratholme.

When Multack was nineteen, making Taurron eighteen, family business came up in Stratholme- an uncle had died of sickness. Taurron left several days before Multack, putting him in Stratholme when it was purged by Arthas in early autumn. Taurron was killed, and Annabeth Zaarock-Flamewynd went missing. Ulfrick, being one of Uther’s knights, was forced to leave without them before the culling. Godrikk had already been away, a tavern-trickster in Silverpine.

These events are what pushed Multack to the darker side of arcane magic- demonology. Out of accident he began to wield demonic power, and eventually simply gave in and let it control him. For two years he traveled across the ruins of Lordaeron as a nomad, studying Scourge runes with curiosity. He also developed an affinity for herbs, teaching himself how to make remedies and droughts out of them.

The Alliance

Eventually, fate brought him to Menethil Harbor, where he stayed for several weeks and decided to rejoin the Alliance. Sailing on the next ship to Stormwind City, he learned on the voyage how to properly control his shady magic, and how to use it as well as he could for good. Coming from a, though not noble, wealthy family, he collected what money he could from the Royal Bank of Stormwind and set out to meet with his father, who had retired to Stormwind after the Third War.

Multack lied low with a wealthy, though not noble, lifestyle, for several years. He learned to master the demonic magic which, though he attempted to drown out several times before, would not leave him. He worked as a scribe and recorder for several years in Stormwind Keep, and after several years, advanced as a politician.

The Order

Weeks after the War Against the Lich King started off, Multack met a man named William and his brother Amather, who together were recruiting for their order. In need of a new job, for the economy was beginning to drop due to the war, he joined their militia in hope of pay. He quickly became a record keeper and researcher for his Order, eventually rising to be one of their leaders- the Inner Council representative of the Kingdom of Stormwind.

In this Order, he fought in many of their wars and battles, ranging from joining a rebel splinter group, bent on securing peace with the Horde, to fighting as a commander in a small, but long, war against one of the Lich King’s lieutenants (and eventually being corrupted and tricked into joining the death knight), to warring with a small, but immensely powerful, cult, known as the Makara.

Less-Than-Savory Beginnings

Multack applied to the Order as a researcher and record keeper, and was quickly accepted. He gradually became friends with some of the Iron Blade's shadier figures, such as the death knights Amather and Argetim, and the mage (soon-to-be warlock and necromancer) Thorar Silver. He preferred to stay out of the front lines (and even the battlefield itself), much preferring his desk and study.

When Thorar began to study warlock magic, Multack was skeptical along with many others; these weren't the studies a leader should be undertaking. Eventually to the point of being called a hermit, Thorar secluded himself in taverns, inn rooms, and cellars, studying demonology and necromancy. After betraying the Order, Multack was one of the first to call for action against him. Eventually Amather and Argetim led an assault against Caer Darrow, Thorar's stronghold, and the battle ended with Thorar's death and William's succession as leader.

Giving 'Outlaw' a Try

Taking Root

Soon after Thorar sacrificed himself for the Order and for William, William was killed and resurrected as a death knight. Amather took the lead of the Iron Blade in his regency, and with the help of Multack, established the Order as an official registered Alliance force.

The Order took on the goals of establishing peace with the Horde, and formed the Inner Council, a group of leaders that would lead the Iron Blade. The Inner Council had one representative for each major Alliance city- Stormwind, Ironforge, Darnassus, Gnomeregan, and the Exodar.

Amather, Argetim, and the Horde

Amather and Argetim had different views on the Horde- Amather's, was that the Alliance needed to work with the Horde to achieve its goals, and that peace was a virtue; Argetim's, was that the Horde was the enemy, as well as the Lich King, and that both must be ended for the Alliance to prevail.

Criminal Status

Amather eventually had a half-elf son after undertaking a mission in Quel'Danas months before, and Argetim, secretly working with the Stormwind government, lured the Order to the Westbrook Garrison. Amather's son and wife were killed by Argetim there, and many Iron Blade members, Multack among them, were arrested for 'treason'.

Eventually they escaped the Stockades, and formed a rebellion against Argetim, who now had control over the Iron Blade. Eventually Multack was captured as a prisoner of war, and used to bait Amather to Stranglethorn, where the two sides fought their final battle. Multack wasn't a very large player in this war, but had his moments.

The Third Scourge War


Multack went on to be one of the leaders of the Blade, quickly approaching Inner Council status. He recruited a common smithy named Fargus to the Order, and the two became friends quickly. Kira Equinox and Murati Townguard also entered the picture in this time frame, and the four became closely knit. Multack, Fargus, and Kira happened upon young Townguard in Elwynn one day, and helped him progress in his training as a paladin.

After a period of building and strengthening, the Order became a force to be reckoned with, and began sending troops to Northrend to aid the Alliance Vanguard in their direct assault against the Lich King.

Multack was visited by an old man while on his way to Eastvale from Stormwind, who demanded that Multack betray Murati and leave him unconscious in the Elwynn-Westfall river border. Multack and the man argued for a time before he painstakingly agreed to betray Murati. The next day he did so, and Murati was not seen for a time afterward.


Eventually convinced by his friend, Fargus, that there was a cult, or brotherhood, of some sort, led by the notorious villains of Azeroth such as VanCleef, Arugal, and Renault Mograine. This cult bound angels to Azeroth to resurrect adventurers and heroes, gradually corrupting them to serve the cult's cause. Of course, this was all lies, though Multack believed it.

After gathering Amather, Kira, Fargus, and himself, Fargus marched the four to Northshire, to confront the woman who led this cult. Fargus bound her, Multack drained her soul, and destroyed it, and Amather slew her on the spot. Fargus and Kira left as Amather and Multack spoke to each other, though when they followed, they did not see Fargus.

Instead a female death knight, clad in saronite armor, greeted them, and hacked Multack across the chest with a runeblade. Amather fought her, but eventually fell, too, in part, faking it to survive and fight another day. Kira also betrayed them, corrupted by the death knight, Fargus's real persona, Typhora, and left them to die.


Multack and Amather led the charge against Typhora and her Scourge forces, establishing a foothold in Darkshore. The Auberdine docks were closed for a time due to a Scourge influx on them, where the Blade and Typhora's forces would skirmish. This period of time is where Multack's soon-to-be flourishing reputation with the night elves of Darnassus began to take root.

Eventually Typhora's forces were eradicated from the area, and the docks reopened. Multack, who had been wounded in a battle, stayed behind to lead a protection program stationed in Auberdine, while Amather and his men returned to the Eastern Kingdoms to combat Scourge forces there.

After a time, no signs of the undead remained in Auberdine. Multack gathered the vast majority of his men and sailed back to Stormwind, where he found chaos. Almost nightly, raids against Stormwind City, led by Typhora's forces, would invade and often times take at least one life. Frantic, Multack and Amather gathered enough troops to push the Scourge forces away, to the north.


The fight continued in Khaz Modan, battles and skirmishes breaking out from the Burning Steppes to the Wetlands. This time with the aid of Ironforge, the Order pushed the Scourge forces north.

Suddenly Typhora disappeared, though her forces did not. Rumor said she had traveled to Outland, and so Multack and a select few traveled south again to the Dark Portal. Multack's men and Typhora met in the Swamp of Sorrows, skirmishing, until Typhora stood down and escaped, leaving behind a runeblade of hers. Multack took up the runeblade, naming it Bloodmourne, and continued north again to inform Amather's men of the mishap.

After nearly two weeks Multack fell to the corruption of the runeblade, his will broken. Driven insane by its unending whisperings, he was tricked into joining Typhora and trading in his demonic magic for necromantic ones. Training in necromancy had long-term effects on Multack, often including beatings by Typhora- though he remained loyal to his deceiving 'master'.

Stratholme and Aftermath

The Plaguelands supplied Typhora's troops with ample reinforcements, and though the Blade quickly drove them north to the point of Hillsbrad, the calm before the storm was just beginning. A flood of the undead charged the Iron Blade, taking land from the Tarren Mill north. The Blade aided in the forming of a militia amongst the Hillsbrad citizens, and drove the undead forces into the Plaguelands.

Typhora and her forces holed up in the abandoned city of Stratholme, her hometown, and Multack's. Outnumbering the Iron Blade twenty to one, they charged from the city all at once to crush the Iron Blade in one stroke. Caught off guard, the Blade barely managed to surpass Scourge forces and make it to Stratholme, where they themselves holed up for a time, led by an unsung Stormwind guard named Margus.

Scourge forces bombarded the Iron Blade with plague barrels and saronite arrows, a battle unlike any the Order had seen before. After a time Typhora led Multack and Kira into Stratholme, to eradicate the surviving Iron Blade soldiers- of which, thanks to their stalwart defense and unbreakable courage, there were many of; more than the deceased by far.

As slaughter was about to break out, and the Scourge forces surrounded the Blade, Murati returned, clad in two-decade-old armor, with a simple lion crest shield. Murati, with simple words, drove Typhora into panic and freed her from the Lich King's mind. Out of mistake she ended the reanimated 'lives' of all her undead forces in the Plaguewood and in Stratholme, as she quickly left the scene, bursting in tears. Multack and Kira were released from Typhora's will, though Murati, bent on claiming revenge against Multack's earlier betrayal, picked a fight with the ex-warlock.

After exchanging several punches, kicks, and bloody knuckles, Margus shot Multack in the arm with his crossbow. Multack stumbled off, in a desperate attempt to dodge the enraged Stormwind guard's next arrow, but was in the end shot in the back, resulting in a coma mistaken for death. Multack was placed in a tomb located in the Stormwind Cemetary.

'Resurrection' and Aftermath

After the Lich King's trusted servant, Typhora, was killed, shortly after the Battle of the Plaguewood, Ulfrick Flamewynd, a paladin whose life was claimed in the kick-start of the War Against the Lich King, and father to Multack and Godrikk Zaarock, was sent to take her place and to erase the Iron Blade from existance.

He was quickly stopped by the Order, ending what would have been another brutal Scourge War, before it began. As it happened, the Lich King's hold over Flamewynd had been quickly evaporating over the past weeks, and was sending him in to do as much damage as possible before being released, or being killed. Ulfrick learned of his son's tragic 'death' while in captivity, and, mind clearing, broke free of his bonds. Traveling to Multack's burial place in the Stormwind Cemetary, Ulfrick shattered the stone tomb to a coughing, awakening Multack, quickly disappearing.

Multack, who was met by several Iron Blade members who had been chasing Flamewynd, stated that his sins hadn't been forgiven (apparently), and traveled to the Plaguelands to train as a plagueshifter- a combater of necromancy. Learning the art quickly, he traveled from the Plaguelands after a time to Felwood. While there, his relations with Darnassus improved greatly, and gradually learned the Darnassian tongue.

After two months, Multack decided his work in Felwood was finished, and returned to the Eastern Kingdoms to a broken Iron Blade. Reinstating himself as Stormwind Inner Council representative, he again donned the wealthy lifestyle of before to drive them out of the financial and political crisis they had gotten themselves in to.

In this time, Multack began to drink often. For two weeks this habit persisted, until he was convinced by Murati to end it for the good of the Order. The two finally pulled the Blade out of bankruptcy and bought out the mountain fortress of Dun Garok as the Order's new headquarters.

Call of Druidism

Multack in his flight form.

Multack was attracted to the druidic arts after his work as a plagueshifter in the Plaguelands and in Felwood. Gradually falling away from the necromantic side of plagueshifting, and towards the druidic one, he eventually enrolled in the Cenarion Circle to train as a druid. He is still in his training, but has, thus far, mastered his cat and flight forms.

Recent Events

Multack's feral alter-ego, courtesy of his cousin, Gethran.

Multack was recently bitten by his cousin, Gethran, and is on the verge of changing into a worgen.