User:Kroenenthuzad/Suntreader Cemetery

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Suntreader Cemetery is the name of a regular graveyard located outside Dawnstar Village and next to Sun's Reach Sanctum, in the Isle of Quel'Danas. The Suntreader siblings An'daron and Rathelin inhabited the town 6,800 years ago, nearby the wondreous Sunwell. When they passed away, their relatives buried them in the local graveyard an renamed it after them. Their grave, the Suntreader's Sepulture, is found in this cemetery.


Most of their descendants' remains are found here. Lora'den Suntreader buried his wife and only son here after they were killed by orcs in the Second War. Thanador Suntreader also buried his wife Lestha in this graveyard when she fell battling the Scourge in the Third War.

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The cemetery was invaded by Kael'thas' forces, but it was later retaken by the Shattered Sun Offensive.