User:Kroenenthuzad/Lady Aszura

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NeutralLady Aszura
Image of Lady Aszura
Title <House of Moonlight>
Gender Female
Race(s) Highborne night elf (Humanoid)
Class Mage, Aristocrat
Affiliation(s) Kaldorei
Occupation Matriarch of the House of Moonlight
Status Deceased

Lady Aszura Moonlight was a distant niece to Queen Azshara herself. When Azshara rose to power, she founded the Highborne House of Moonlight. She ruled from Suramar and eventually gave birth to a son and a daughter, namely Madrielas and Dessa. The first was appointed her heir, while the female became High Priestess in the service of Queen Azshara.

Lady Aszura wanted to begin a dynasty of master magi, so she sent her children to learn in Zin-Azshari, where they became great sorcerers and later returned to their mother in Suramar. When she thought Madrielas was worthy of reigning, she abdicated to him.

Some sources say she passed away 3,000 years before the War of the Ancients, others, that she actually died during the course of the war.